Advanced degree complements

The expression of "degree" following a verb is quite broad. A vast array of adjectives can appear in the degree complement following verbs, indicating degree and quality. When it comes to adjectives, however, expression of degree is often much more limited. The following are some of the more common degree complements which follow adjectives.

Common Patterns

  • Adj. + 得 + 很
  • Adj. + 得 + 不得了
  • Adj. + 得 + 要命
  • Adj. + 得 + 不行


  • 这个 孩子 自私 得很Zhège hái zǐ zìsī dé hěn.This child is super selfish.
  • 我 老婆 的 工作 轻松 得很Wǒ lǎopó de gōngzuò qīngsōng dé hěn.My wife's job is extremely easy and relaxed.
  • 我 爸爸 固执 得 不得了Wǒ bàba gùzhí dé bùdéliǎo.My father is awfully stubborn.
  • 赢 了 比赛 以后 ,他 骄傲 得 不得了Yíngle bǐsài yǐhòu, tā jiāo'ào dé bùdéliǎoHe was terribly proud after he won the competition.
  • 听说 儿子 又 跟 同学 打架 了 ,爸爸 得 不得了Tīng shuō érzi yòu gēn tóngxué dǎjià le, bàba dé bùdéliǎo.Having heard his son was fighting with his classmate again, the father was incensed.
  • 我 儿子 淘气 得 要命Wǒ érzi táoqì dé yàomìng.My son is incredibly naughty.
  • 今天 路上 得 要命Jīntiān lùshàng dé yàomìng!The traffic is terrible!
  • 地铁 得 要命Dìtiě dé yàomìng!The metro is so crowded!
  • 我 的 牙 得 不 行Wǒ de yá tòng dé bùxíng!My teeth hurt so badly!
  • 外面 得 不 行Wàimiàn dé bùxíng.It's awfully hot outside.

See also

Sources and further reading
