Combining verbs with "bing"

Revision as of 09:41, 28 August 2012 by Yucui (talk | contribs)

并(且)(bìng(qiě)) meaning "moreover" can be used to connect verbs. In this structure the two verbs used are equal to each other with neither being primary or secondary.


Action 1 + 并(且) + Action 2

(The "action" above may just be a simple verb phrase rather than something particularly "full of action.")


Here are some examples:

  • 我们 负责 安装 维护 这个 系统。
  • 你 要 编辑 并且 打印 这 个 文件。
  • 我 同意 支持 你 的 决定。

See also

Sources and further reading
