Comparing "gen" and "dui"

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跟 and 对 sometimes seem like they mean the same thing, and at other times they seem to be different.After reading this article, you will know the difference!

When they have the same form and same meaning when used with 说

When using the verb 说, 跟 and 对 can both be used in a similar sentence pattern. 跟 and 对 are both prepositions, and they both express one person speaking to another.


Person A + 跟/对 + Person B 说


  • 她 说 了,但是 她 不 信。
  • 她 说 了,但是 她 不 信。
  • 我 说 他 爱 我。
  • 我 说 他 爱 我。
  • 刚才 你 他 说 什么 了?
  • 刚才 你 他 说 什么 了?

When they have a similar grammar structure but different meanings

跟 and 对 can be verbs, and they often are used with a 着, however their meanings are different.


Subject + 跟/对 + Object

Examples for 跟

跟 is a verb, and it's simplest meaning is "follow." Often it is used as a verb phrase, such as 跟着, 跟上, 跟不上, 跟得上, 跟somebody + Verb.

  • 这 只 小 猫 总是 跟着 我。
  • 你 走 得 太 快 ,我 跟不上
  • 你 想 跟 我 去 吗?

Examples for 对

对 is also a verb, put it has the meaning of "towards" or "point to." Often it is used as: 对着, 对上, 对不上.

  • 枪口 不 要 对着 人。
  • 我 喜欢 对着 镜子 笑。
  • 这 两 本 账 对不上

When to use 跟 and not 对

跟 is a proposition, and it can be used in comparison. It will often have a supplementary explanation, similar to how 和 can be used (as in 我和你一样高). 对 cannot be used this way.

Structure 1

A + 跟 + B + (不)一样


  • 你们 不一样,我 还 有 孩子 呢。
  • 上海 纽约 一样,都 是 国际 大 都市。

Structure 2

A + 跟 + B + (不)一样 + Adjective / 小句


  • 我 现在 我 爸 一样
  • 你 妈 一样 喜欢 买 衣服

Structure 3


Subject 1 跟 Subject 2 + VO


  • 你 要 我 一起 去 吗?
  • 鲜花 巧克力 是 最 好 的 礼物。

Examples when to use 对 and not 跟


When 对 as a proposition, it points to a certain target,since it can mean "point to" or "toward to". 跟 can only be used this way with 说.

Subject 1 对 Subject 2 + Verb


  • 那 个 美女 正 我 笑 呢。
  • 不 要 老板 发脾气, 不然 后果 很 严重。

Example Dialog

  • A: 那 个 帅哥 在 我 招手!
  • B: 那 你 要 他 去 吗?

See also

Sources and further reading

