Expressing "any" with "renhe"

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任何 is a modifier that means means "any" or "whichever, whatsoever". It is also like the English phrase "any and all, no matter what"


This modifier usually does not use 的. It is often paired with 都 or 也.

任何 + noun


  • 我 的 弟弟 特别 顽固,任何 的 人 都 不 能 说服 他。My little brother is really stubborn, there isn't any person who can persuade him.
  • 一 位 很 有 智慧 的 人 曾经 说 过 “任何 成功 都 不 能 弥补 家庭 的 失败。”A wise man once said:"Any success cannot make up for losing the family.
  • 我 父母 很 保守,因此 他们 不 让 我 参加 任何 舞会。My parents are very protective, so they don't allow me to go to any dances.
  • 他会说 很多 国家的 语言,去 欧洲 任何国家 旅行 都 没有 问题 。He can speak many languages.It's no problem for him to travel to any European country.

Sources and further reading