Expressing "just now" with "gangcai"

In order to say that something "just now" occurred, use the time noun 刚才 (gāngcái). It can be placed in front of the verb or the subject of a statement.


This grammar structure is pretty straightforward. Similar to the English "just now," you put it right before the verb.

刚才 + Verb


  • 不好意思,我刚才出去了。I'm sorry, I just now stepped out.
  • 刚才下雨了,现在不下了。It was just now raining, now it's not.
  • 刚才笑了。She just now laughed.
  • 刚才我 不 在 这里。
  • 刚才去 哪儿 了?
  • 刚才我 看到 了 我 的 前 女友。
  • 刚才想 吃 冰淇淋,现在 不 想 吃 了。
  • 刚才听到 了 一 件 有意思 的 事。
  • 刚才我 在 跟 他 说话。
  • 刚才一 个 女孩儿 来 这里 找 你。

See also

Sources and further reading
