Expressing various aspects with "yi fangmian"

When talking about various aspects of a situation, "一方面..., (另)一方面..." (yī fāngmiàn..., (lìng) yī fāngmiàn...) can be used in a similar way that "On one hand..., on the other hand..." is in English.


一方面 + Aspect 1 + (另)一方面 + Aspect 2

The two aspects in the sentence can both be similar in tone, or as it is more common in English, they can be in direct opposition of each other.


  • 一 方面 真 喜欢 这 个 公司,另 一 方面 又 觉得 工资 太 低 了。One one hand, he really likes this company, but on the other hand, he thinks the wages are too low.
  • 一 方面很 想 创业,另一 方面 又 担心 风险 太 大。On one hand, he wants to start a business, but on the other hand, he's afraid the risk is too great.
  • 开发 太阳能 一 方面 可以减少污染, 一 方面也 可以 缓解 能源 紧张。On one hand, developing solar power can reduce pollution, on the other, it could also alleviate the worries about energy.

See also

Sources and further reading
