Reference:HSK Standard Course 6下

HSK Standard Course 6下, by Liu Chang and Lu Jiang, contains 20 lessons. Authorized by Hanban, HSK Standard Course is developed under the joint efforts of Beijing Language and Culture University Press and Chinese Testing International (CTI). With HSK test papers as its primary source, HSK Standard Course is characterized by a humorous style, familiar topics and a scientific course design.

Grammar Points by Table of Contents

  1. Lesson 21: 未来商店
  2. Lesson 22: 2050年的汽车什么样
  3. Lesson 23: 大数据时代
  4. Lesson 24: 体育明星们的离奇遭遇
  5. Lesson 25: 草船借箭
  6. Lesson 26: 奇异的灯光
  7. Lesson 27: 完璧归赵
  8. Lesson 28: 高山流水遇知音
  9. Lesson 29: 笑的备忘录
  10. Lesson 30: 你睡好了吗
  11. Lesson 31: 运动的学问
  12. Lesson 32: 有时不妨悲伤
  13. Lesson 33: 怀念慢生活
  14. Lesson 34: 为文物而生的人
  15. Lesson 35: 走进木版年画
  16. Lesson 36: 中国古代书院
  17. Lesson 37: 警察的故事
  18. Lesson 38: 慧眼捕捉商机
  19. Lesson 39: 互联网时代的生活
  20. Lesson 40: 人类超能力会改变世界纪录吗

Grammar Point References to This Book