Simple rhetorical questions

Rhetorical questions are ones where the speaker doesn't really expect an answer. The answer should be obvious, and the question is asked in order to make a point.


There are several very common types of rhetorical questions using basic words you already know:


This first one is the easiest and most common. It can be quite friendly, seemingly reminding the other person of a fact they seem to have (conveniently?) forgotten.


This one is often quite sarcastic, pointing out someone else's unrealistic expectations. (The obvious answer is "no" here.)


This second one has a tone of incredulity. The speaker clearly thinks this shouldn't have happened, or thought it couldn't have happened.


The third one is exclusively used by surly or annoyed people. It means "who told you to...?" or "who made you...?"


  • A: 你看到我的手机了吗???
  • B:不是 在桌子上吗? ??
  • A: 我们什么时候开会???
  • B:不是 已经告诉你了吗? ??
  • A: 今天放假了,好开心。??
  • B:不是明天放假吗? ??
  • A: 他每天穿得都很少。??
  • B: 不感冒吗? ??
  • A: 今天我又迟到了。??
  • B:你起得这么晚, 不迟到吗? ??
  • A: 我点了很多菜,都是你爱吃的。??
  • B:这么多菜, 吃得完吗?吗???
  • A: 门关好了,但还是东西少了。??
  • B:怎么会 发生这样的事情???
  • A: 我已经说得很大声了。??
  • B:那我怎么会听不到???
  • A:我感觉最近有一点胖了。??
  • B:谁让你吃这么多。??
  • A:我找不到我的钥匙了。??
  • B:谁让你不放在包里。??

See also

Sources and further reading

