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Latest revision as of 04:05, 9 March 2016

Adverbs with Adjectives

<ul><li>The symbol "[[" was used in a place where it is not useful.</li> <!--br--><li>The part ""smw-highlighter" data-type" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part ""4" data-state" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part ""inline" data-title" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part ""Warning" title" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part ""The part "" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part "]]" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part "" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.">" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part ""smwtticon warning">" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part ""smwttcontent">The part "" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part "" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected." of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li></ul>
Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples


Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Basic sentence order Subj. + Verb (+ Obj.) 我 爱 你 。
Connecting nouns with "shi" A + 是 + B 学生 。
Expressing "excessively" with "tai" 太 + Adj. + 了  !

"But" Statements

Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Expressing "although" with "jinguan" 尽管⋯⋯,但是⋯⋯ 尽管 我 很 生气 ,但是

我 没 发脾气 。

Expressing contrariness with "dao" 倒⋯⋯ 雨 没有 停 , 大 起来 了 。
Expressing "on the contrary" with "fan'er" ⋯⋯,反而 ⋯⋯ 他 没有 放弃 ,反而 更加 努力 了 !

Cause/Effect Statements

Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Expressing "due to…" with "youyu" 由于⋯⋯,⋯⋯ 由于 天气 原因, 我们 的 航班 取消了。
Expressing "since" with "jiran" 既然⋯⋯,就⋯⋯ 既然 来 了 , 留 下来 吃饭 吧 。
Expressing "therefore" with "yinci" ⋯⋯,因此⋯⋯ 这 家 饭店 涨价 了 , 因此 顾客 也 少 了 。
Stating the effect before the cause 之所以 ⋯⋯ ,是因为 / 是为了 / 是想 ⋯⋯ 之 所以 来 晚 了 是 因为 路上 堵车 。


Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Advanced degree complements Adj. + 得 + 很 / 不得了 / 要命 / 不行 我 老婆 的 工作 轻松 得很
Advanced potential complements Verb + 得了 / 不了 今晚 我 有事 ,去 不 了
Advanced result complements "zhu", "kai", and "chulai" Verb + 住 / 开 / 出(来) 抓住 那个 小偷 !
Advanced uses of direction complement "-qilai" Verb + 起来 宝宝,你 应该 把 你 的 玩具 起来
Complement "-huai le" Verb + 坏了 了。
Complement "-zhao" Verb + 着 宝宝 刚 睡
Degree complement Verb + 得⋯⋯ 你 做 得 不错
Direction complement Verb (+ Direction) + 来 / 去 我们 走 过去 吧 。
Direction complement "-qilai" Verb / Adj.+ 起来 天气 热 起来
Potential complement Verb + 得 / 不 + Complement 完 / 做
Potential complement "-bu dong" for not understanding Verb + 不懂 我 听不
Result complements Verb + 好 / 完 / 错 我们 吃 了 。
Result complements "-dao" and "-jian" Verb + 到 / 见 了 吗 ?
Result complement "-wan" for finishing Verb + 完 (+ 了) 我 说 了。
Result complement "-xiaqu" Verb + 下去 这个 故事 太 无聊 了 ,我 听 不 下去
Tricky uses of "dao" Verb + 到 他 做 了 吗 ?

Conditional Statements

Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Expressing "as long as" with "zhiyao" 只要⋯⋯,就⋯⋯ 只要 你 过来 , 我们 很 开心 。
Expressing "once...then..." with "yidan...jiu..." 一旦⋯⋯,就⋯⋯ 一旦 我 找 好 的 工作,我 就 会 安心。
Expressing "only after" with "cai" ⋯⋯,才⋯⋯ 那 本 书 我 看 了 两 遍 看 懂。
Expressing "only if" with "zhiyou" 只有⋯⋯,才⋯⋯ 只有 你 帮忙 , 我 能 完成 任务 。

"Even If" Statements

Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Expressing "even if…" with "jishi" 即使⋯⋯,也⋯⋯ 即使 你 没胃口 , 要 吃 一点 。
Expressing "even if…" with "jiushi" 就是⋯⋯,也⋯⋯ 就是 天气 不 好 , 我 要 出去 玩 。
Expressing "even if…" with "jiusuan" 就算⋯⋯ ,也⋯⋯ 就算 再 困难 , 我们 要 坚持 到底 。

"If" Statements

Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Expressing "if… then…" with "jiaru" 假如⋯⋯,就⋯⋯ 假如 下雨 了 , 收 衣服 。
Expressing "if… then…" with "jiashi" 假使⋯⋯,就⋯⋯ 假使 你 遇到 坏人 , 报警 。
Expressing "if… then…" with "yaoshi" 要是⋯⋯,就⋯⋯ 要是 真 想 我, 给 我 打 电话 。
Expressing "what if" with "wanyi" 万一 ⋯⋯ 怎么办 ? 万一 被 发现 了 怎么办 ?

"No Matter" Statements

Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Expressing "no matter" with "buguan" 不管⋯⋯,都 / 也⋯⋯ 不管 身体 好 坏 , 他 工作 到 深夜 。

Noun Phrases

Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Expressing "all" with "suoyou" 所有 (+ 的) + Noun 我 喜欢 吃 所有 我 妈妈 做 的 菜 。
Expressing "one of" with "zhiyi" ⋯⋯之一 你 是 我 最 好 的 朋友 之一
Expressing "some" with "yixie" 一些 + Noun 这里 有 一些 咖啡。
Expressing "the other" with "lingwai" 另外 + Number + Measure Word + Noun 我 有 两 个 手机 ,一 个 是 小米 , 一 个 是 iPhone 。

Numbers and Measure Words

Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Counting money Number + 块 / 元 (+ Number + 毛 / 角) (+ 钱) 给 你 五
Expressing "every" with "mei" 每 + Measure Word (+ Noun) 个 人。 天。
Expressing "half" with "ban" Number + Measure Word + 半 + Noun 三 个 小时
Measure words for counting Number + Measure Word + Noun 人。一 水。
Measure words in quantity questions 几 + Measure Word (+ Noun) ? 人?
Measure words with "this" and "that" 这 / 那 + Measure Word (+ Noun) 人。这 水。

Question Forms

Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Affirmative-negative question Verb + 不 + Verb / Adj. + 不 + Adj. 去 不 去好 不 好 ?
Asking how something is with "zenmeyang" ⋯⋯怎么样? 你 最近 怎么样
Asking why with "zenme" 怎么⋯⋯? 怎么 没 来?
Placement of question words 什么 / 什么时候 / 谁 / 哪儿 / 为什么 / 怎么 你 是 ?你 在 哪儿
Questions with "le ma" Verb + 了 + 吗? 你 吃饭 了 吗
Simple rhetorical questions 不 是…… 吗 ? 不 是 说好 了 吗 ?怎么 会 这样 ?
Tag questions with "bu" ⋯⋯是不是 / 对不对 / 好不好 ? 你们 明天 来,好 不 好 ?
Tag questions with "ma" ⋯⋯是吗 / 对吗 / 好吗 ? 这样 做, 对 吗 ?

Sentence Patterns

Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Additional way to express "in the name of" Subj. + 借 + noun + 之名 + situation 之名
Advanced uses of "ba" 把 + Noun + Verb⋯⋯ 我 没有 它 当回事。
Advanced uses of "lian" 连 + Verb + 都 + 不 / 没 + Verb (,就 ⋯⋯) 朋友 ?这个 人 我 没 见 过 。
Basic comparisons with "bu bi" Noun 1 + 不比 + Noun 2 + Adj. 不 比 别人 笨 。
Cause and effect with "yinwei" and "suoyi" 因为⋯⋯ 所以⋯⋯ 因为 饿 了,所以 吃饭。
Conditions with "yao" and "jiu" 要 + Verb + 就 + Verb …… 买 ,我们 快 关门 了 。
Explaining purpose with "wei... er..." 为⋯⋯ ,而⋯⋯ 朋友圈 运动
Express an action and its effect by using "tongguo… shi" 通过 + verb (situation occurring),使 resultative situation 通过使国
Expressing "about to happen" with "le" 快 + Verb / Adj. + 了 下雨
Expressing "any" with "renhe" 任何 + Noun + 都 / 也 …… 我 的 弟弟 特别 顽固,任何 的 人 都 不 能 说服 他。
Expressing "both… and…" with "ji...you" 既⋯⋯也 / 又⋯⋯ 他 做 事情 好。
Expressing "can't do without" with "shaobuliao" Subj. + 少不了 + Noun / Verb Phrase 春节 少不了 吃 饺子。
Expressing "equal to" with "dengyu" A, 等于 B 今天吃了炸鸡等于白跑步了。
Expressing "everything" with "shenme dou" 什么 + 都 / 也⋯⋯ 爸爸 什么 都 知道。
Expressing "from" with "cong... zhong" 从 + noun + 中 + result 学习了很多知识。
Expressing indifference with "jiu" Verb + 就 + Verb 走 ,我 早就 不 想 干 了 !
Expressing "inevitably" with "shibi" 势必 势必
Expressing "in the name of" with "yi... de mingyi" 以 + Subject + 名义 不要 我的 名义 给公司写信.
Expressing location with "zai... shang / xia / li" 在 + Place + 上 / 下 / 里 / 旁边 你 的 手机 桌子
Expressing "no" (noun) "to" (verb) with "wu... ke..." 无 + Noun + 可 + Verb 说。
Expressing "not even one" 一 + Measure Word + (Noun) + 也 / 都 + 不 / 没 + Verb 句 中文 不 会 说 。
Expressing "not only..., even..." using "budan..., shenzhi lian" Subj. + 不但 ⋯⋯ ,甚至连 + New Subject + 也 + Matching Situation 不但甚至连
Expressing purpose with "hao" Action ,好 + Purpose 她 睡前 常常 喝 牛奶 , 入睡 。
Expressing "related to..." with "you guan de" 跟 / 和 + Topic + 有关的 + Noun 他有关的事情,我都不想知道。
Expressing simultaneous actions with "yimian" 一面⋯⋯,一面⋯⋯ 他 喜欢 一面 吃 东西 , 一面 看 电影。
Expressing "so-called" with "suowei" 所谓 + (的) Noun Phrase 所谓 “小意思” 就 是 指 礼物。
Expressing "stop doing" with "bie… le" 别 + Verb + 了 ,烦 死了 。
Expressing "the more... the more..." with "yue… yue…" Subj.+越+Verb+越 + Adj. / Verb 生气 。
Expressing the only two possibilities 不是⋯⋯,就是⋯⋯ 不是 成功,就是 失败。
Expressing "within" a period of time using "zai... nei" 在 + Time + 内 你 必须 一周 完成。
Expressing "would rather" with "ningke" 宁可⋯⋯,也⋯⋯ 宁可 输, 不 放弃。
The "shi... de" construction for emphasizing details 是⋯⋯ 的 怎么 来
The "shi... de" construction for indicating purpose 是⋯⋯ 的 来 上海 旅游
The "shi... de" patterns: an overview 是⋯⋯ 的 哪个 学校
Topic-comment sentences Topic,Comment 那 部 电影 ,看 过 的 人 都 喜欢 。
Use "tangruo" to express "if" 倘若 + resultative situation 倘若 有问题,可以给我打个电话。
Using "ba" sentences Subj. + 把 + Obj.+ Verb Phrase 把 书 看 完 了。
Using "bei" sentences Subj. + 被 + Doer + Verb Phrase 骗 了 。

B1 Core Patterns

<ul><li>The symbol "[[" was used in a place where it is not useful.</li> <!--br--><li>The part ""smw-highlighter" data-type" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part ""4" data-state" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part ""inline" data-title" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part ""Warning" title" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part ""The part "" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part "]]" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part "" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.">" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part ""smwtticon warning">" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part ""smwttcontent">The part "" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part "" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected." of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li></ul>
Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples

Basic/Simple Sentence Patterns

Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Alternative existential sentences Place + Verb + 着 + Noun Phrase 桌子 上 放 一 本 书 。
Expressing "as one likes" with "jiu" 想 + Question Word + 就 + Question Word 哪儿 哪儿
Expressing "double negation" Subj. + 不是 + 不 / 没 + Predicate 知道 怎么 做 。
Expressing "even" with "lian" and "dou" 连 + Subj. + 都 (+ 不 / 没) + Verb 小狗 怕 ?
Expressing "every time" with "mei" and "dou" 每次 + Event 1 + 都 + Event 2 为什么 次 我 来 他 不 在。
Expressing "every" with question words Question Word + 都 + Predicate 可以 进 。
Expressing "how often" Subj. + 多长时间 + Verb + 一次 (+ Obj.) 多长时间一 次 头发 ?
Expressing "more and more" with "yuelaiyue" Subj. + 越来越 + Adj. + 了 天气 越来越 冷 了。
Expressing "multiples" with "bei" Noun 1 + 是 + Noun 2 + 的 + Number + 倍 他 现在 的 工资 两 年 前 的 三
Expressing "not at all" with "yidianr ye bu" Subj. + 一点 + 也 / 都 + 不 + Adj. 一点 也 不 胖 。
Expressing not knowing how to do something using "hao" Subj. + 不知道 + Verb Phrase + 好 我 真的 不 知道 怎么办
Expressing purpose with "weile" 为了 + Purpose + Verb 为了 钱 ,他 什么 都 愿意 做 。
Expressing "some" with question words 在哪儿 / 谁 / 什么 / 什么时候 这个 人 我 在 哪儿 见 过 。

Comparison Patterns

<ul><li>The symbol "[[" was used in a place where it is not useful.</li> <!--br--><li>The part ""smw-highlighter" data-type" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part ""4" data-state" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part ""inline" data-title" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part ""Warning" title" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part ""The part "" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part "]]" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part "" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.">" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part ""smwtticon warning">" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part ""smwttcontent">The part "" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part "" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected." of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li></ul>|-
Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Expressing "compared with" using "gen" 跟 + Noun 1 + 比 (起来) ,Noun 2⋯⋯ 上海 ,北京 的 冬天 比较 干 。
Expressing "even more" with "geng" or "hai" Noun 1 + 比 + Noun 2 + 更 / 还 + Adj. 姚明 高 。
Expressing "much more" in comparisons Noun 1 + 比 + Noun 2 + Adj. + 多了 拼音 汉字 容易 多了

Complex Sentence Patterns

Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Conceding a point with "shi" Adj. + 是 + Adj., 但是⋯⋯ 这个 东西 好 好 ,就是 太 贵 了 。
Events in quick succession with "yi... jiu..." Subj. + 一 + Event 1,就 + Event 2 到 家 , 去 洗澡 了 。
Expressing "although" with "suiran" and "danshi" 虽然⋯⋯ ,但是 / 可是⋯⋯ 虽然 渴 了,但是 不 想 喝 啤酒。
Expressing "either... or..." with "yaome" 要么⋯⋯,要么⋯⋯ 要么 你 去,要么 他 去 。
Expressing "except" and "in addition" with "chule… yiwai" 除了 ⋯⋯ (+ 以外) ,Subj. + 都 / 也 / 还 ⋯⋯ 除了 他 ,我们 去 过 。
Expressing good luck with "haihao" 还好 + Lucky Incident ,不然 + Bad Outcome 还好 有 你 在 ,不然 我 真 不 知道 怎么办 。
Expressing "if... then..." with "ruguo... jiu..." 如果 ⋯⋯ ,就 ⋯⋯ 如果 有 困难 , 给 我 打 电话 。
Expressing "if" with "ruguo... dehua" 如果⋯⋯ (的话) ,(就) ⋯⋯ 如果 明天 下雨 的话 ,我们 不 去 了 。
Expressing "not only... but also" with "budan... erqie..." 不但⋯⋯,而且⋯⋯ 不但 聪明,而且 勤劳。
Expressing "no wonder" Reason ,怪不得 / 难怪 + Observation 小张 请假 了,难怪 今天 没有 看到 他。
Expressing "when" with "dengdao" 等(到) + Time / Event ,Subj. + 再 / 就 ⋯⋯ 等到 大学 毕业 ,我 就 不 住 在 学校 了。

Either… or

<ul><li>The symbol "[[" was used in a place where it is not useful.</li> <!--br--><li>The part ""smw-highlighter" data-type" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part ""4" data-state" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part ""inline" data-title" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part ""Warning" title" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part ""The part "" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part "]]" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part "" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.">" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part ""smwtticon warning">" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part ""smwttcontent">The part "" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part "" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected." of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li></ul>
Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples

Let alone

Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Expressing "let alone" with "bie shuo" 别说⋯⋯,就是⋯⋯ 别说 一百 , 就是 一 块 钱 我 也 不 给 你 。
Expressing "let alone" with "geng buyong shuo" ⋯⋯,更不用说⋯⋯ 她 会 说 法语 , 更 不用 说 英语 了 。

Not only… but also…

<ul><li>The symbol "[[" was used in a place where it is not useful.</li> <!--br--><li>The part ""smw-highlighter" data-type" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part ""4" data-state" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part ""inline" data-title" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part ""Warning" title" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part ""The part "" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part "]]" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part "" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.">" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part ""smwtticon warning">" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part ""smwttcontent">The part "" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part "" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected." of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li></ul>
Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples