Using "lai" and "qu" when "verbing around"

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This structure can be used if want to say you are "verbing without a particular goal". The same verb is repeated before the 来(lái) and 去 (qù). So for example, 走来走去 is a bit like "pacing backwards and forwards".

verb + 来 + verb + 去

In a sentence, this structure looks like this:

  • 学生们 都 很 紧张,在 考场 外面 走 来 走 去
  • 说 来 说 去 讲 了 半 天,但是 好像 什么 都 没说。
  • 想 来 想 去 就 想 不 明白,他 怎么 那样 对待 我?