
A text summary of a pronunciation point. It is of type String.

Showing 15 pages using this property.
The Mandarin "e" sound, although not entirely alien to English speakers, does take some practice to get right consistently.  +
Even at the intermediate level, most learners benefit from extra practice of the Mandarin "e" sound.  +
The "ou" and "-uo" vowel sounds aren't difficult, but they're easy to mix up.  +
If you still occasionally get your "ou" and "-uo" vowel sounds mixed up, then it's time to master them.  +
The key here is knowing when you're dealing with the "ü" vowel and when you're dealing with the "ü" vowel.  +
The key here is knowing when you're dealing with the "ü" vowel, since the two dots are not always written.  +
Sometimes the "-un" sound can still trip people up, even at the intermediate level.  +
Those two dots make a difference, but sometimes they're "stealth."  +
Intermediate learners should no longer be deceived by the "stealth ü" vowel, but often still need practice with it.  +
Not all learners struggle with them, but the c- and z- initials can be tricky for some.  +
The r- initial is an all-new sound for English-speakers, and it definitely requires practice.  +
English-speakers needs dedicate practice to master the r- initial sound.  +
Although the sounds themselves aren't too bad, the way they're combined can be difficult.  +
The x-, q-, and -j initials are new and foreign. When mixed with the sh-, ch-, and zh- initials, the results can be downright brutal.  +
Hopefully the x-, q-, and -j initials are less foreign foreign now, But they undoubtedly still need practice!  +

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