Tone pair 4-2

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This page will cover some examples of the 4-2 tone pair, which Sinosplice rates as a "3" on a difficulty rating of 1-7 (easiest to hardest).

Practice this tone pair using the words below. Once you can say them reliable in isolation (as just a tone pair), try putting them in longer sentences while keeping the tones accurate.

4-2 Tone Pair Words

Sources: Sinosplice's Mandarin Chinese Tone Pair Drills, AllSet Learning's "Tone Pair" Pronunciation Pack (used with permission)

  • 上学 (shàngxué) to start school, to go to school
  • 大学 (dàxué) university
  • 问题 (wèntí) question; problem, issue
  • 练习 (liànxí) to practice; (language) exercise
  • 去年 (qùnián) last year
  • 特別 (tèbié) special
  • 好奇 (hàoqí) curious

4-2 Tone Pair Phrases (B1)

Audio Chinese Pinyin English
星期天 xīngqītiān Sunday
吃 香蕉 chī xiāngjiāo to eat a banana
喝 咖啡 hē kāfēi to drink coffee
去 公司 qù gōngsī to go to the office
很 开心 hěn kāixīn very happy

Source: AllSet Learning's "Tone Pair" Pronunciation Pack (used with permission)

4-2 Tone Pair Combos

Source: Sinosplice's Mandarin Chinese Tone Pair Drills (used with permission)

  • 太忙 (tài máng) too busy
  • 太长 (tài cháng) too long
  • 太油 (tài yóu) too oily
  • 太强 (tài qiáng) too strong

Sources and further reading
