Unit 4: 的 水 上 下 大 小 天 日 月 有

Revision as of 09:11, 28 May 2024 by Lijiong (talk | contribs)

Pinyin: de

Structure: The left side is 白, and the right side is 勺. Both components are much less common than this character!

Stroke Order: Top to bottom, left to right.

Meaning: "[possessive particle]"

Common Words/Phrases:

  • 我的
  • 你的
  • 她的

Pinyin: shuǐ

Structure: Represents the water, frequently appears as part of other characters, often as 氵.

Stroke Order: Top to bottom, left to right.

Meaning: "water"

Common Words/Phrases:

  • 喝水
  • 水下
  • 自来水

Pinyin: shàng

Structure: Can appear as part of other characters. Can't be broken down to simpler components.

Stroke Order: Left to right, top to bottom.

Meaning: "up"

Common Words/Phrases:

  • 上面
  • 上学
  • 上车

Pinyin: xià

Structure: Can appear as part of other characters. Can't be broken down to simpler components.

Stroke Order: Left to right, top to bottom.

Meaning: "up"

Common Words/Phrases:

  • 下面
  • 下去
  • 下海


Structure: Can appear as part of other characters. Can't be broken down to simpler components.

Stroke Order: Top to bottom, left to right.

Meaning: "big; old"

Common Words/Phrases:

  • 大人
  • 大学
  • 大写

Pinyin: xiǎo

Structure: Can appear as part of other characters. Can't be broken down to simpler components.

Stroke Order: Left to right, top to bottom.

Meaning: "small; young"

Common Words/Phrases:

  • 小名
  • 小学
  • 小写

Pinyin: tiān

Structure: Can appear as part of other characters. Can't be broken down to simpler components.

Stroke Order: Top to bottom, left to right.

Meaning: "day; sky"

Common Words/Phrases:

  • 天天
  • 天上
  • 星期天


Structure: Represents the sun, often used as a component in other characters.

Stroke Order: Top to bottom, left to right.

Meaning: "day"

Common Words/Phrases:

  • 日子
  • 每日
  • 星期日

Pinyin: yuè

Structure: Represents the moon, often used as a component in other characters.

Stroke Order: Top to bottom, left to right.

Meaning: "month"

Common Words/Phrases:

  • 每月
  • 一月
  • 一个月

Pinyin: yǒu

Structure: Can appear as part of other characters. Can't be broken down to simpler components.

Stroke Order: Top to bottom, left to right.

Meaning: "to have"

Common Words/Phrases:

  • 有钱
  • 没有
  • 有没有