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== Informally, 帮 (bāng) can mean "to help" as a verb ==
== Informally, 帮 (bāng) can mean "to help" as a verb ==
只有帮可以这么使用“帮一帮我”, “帮帮我“
The word 帮 can be used by itself to mean "to help," and is frequently reduplicated as 帮帮 or 帮一帮. Also note that 帮 can be used with another verb to mean "help me to (verb)."
=== Common Phrases ===
<div class="liju dapei">
<div class="liju dapei">
* 我 今天 太 忙 了,你 可以 <em>帮</em> 我 一下 吗?<span class="pinyin">Wǒ jīntiān tài máng le, nǐ kěyǐ <em>bāng</em> wǒ yīxià ma?</span><span class="trans">I'm too busy today, can you help me out?
* <em>帮</em> 我…… <span class="pinyin"><em>bāng</em> wǒ...</span><span class="trans">help me to...</span>
* <em>帮帮</em> 我 吧!我 实在 没有 别的 办法 了。<span class="pinyin"><em>Bāngbāng</em> wǒ ba! wǒ shízài méiyǒu biéde bànfǎ le.</span><span class="trans">Help me out! There is really nothing else I can do.
* <em>帮帮</em> 我…… <span class="pinyin"><em>bāngbāng</em> wǒ...</span><span class="trans">help me to...</span>
* <em>帮帮</em> 那个 孩子 吧!他 已经 两 天 没有 吃 东西 了。<span class="pinyin"><em>Bāngbāng</em> nàge háizi ba! tā yǐjīng liǎng tiān méiyǒu chī dōngxi le.</span><span class="trans">Help the boy! He hasn't eaten anything for two days.
* <em>帮</em> 一 <em>帮</em> 我…… <span class="pinyin"><em>bāng</em> yī <em>bāng</em> ...</span><span class="trans">help me to...</span>
* 请 你 <em>帮</em> 一 <em>帮</em> 我,否则 我 今天 就 来不及 完成 这个 工作 了。<span class="pinyin">Qǐng nǐ <em>bāng</em> yī bāng wǒ, fǒuzé wǒ jīntiān jiù láibují wánchéng zhège gōngzuò le.</span><span class="trans">Please give me a hand or I won't be able to finish this in time today.
* 谁 可以 <em>帮帮</em> 这个 老人?这个 老人 需要 马上 送 医院。<span class="pinyin">Shéi kěyǐ <em>bāngbāng</em> zhège lǎorén? zhège lǎorén xūyào mǎshàng sòng yīyuàn.</span><span class="trans">Who can help this old man? This old man needs to be taken to hospital immediately.
=== Example Sentences ===
<div class="liju">
* 我 今天 太 累 了,你  <em>帮</em>  我 吧。<span class="pinyin">Wǒ jīntiān tài lèi le, nǐ <em>bāng</em> wǒ ba.</span><span class="trans">I'm too tired today. Can you help me?</span>
* 我 今天 太 忙 了,你 可以 <em>帮</em> 我 一下 吗?<span class="pinyin">Wǒ jīntiān tài máng le, nǐ kěyǐ <em>bāng</em> wǒ yīxià ma?</span><span class="trans">I'm too busy today, can you help me out?</span>
* <em>帮帮</em> 那个 孩子 吧!他 已经 两 天 没有 吃 东西 了。<span class="pinyin"><em>Bāngbāng</em> nàge háizi ba! tā yǐjīng liǎng tiān méiyǒu chī dōngxi le.</span><span class="trans">Help the boy! He hasn't eaten anything for two days.</span>
* 谁 可以 <em>帮帮</em> 这个 老人?这个 老人 需要 马上 送 医院。<span class="pinyin">Shéi kěyǐ <em>bāngbāng</em> zhège lǎorén? zhège lǎorén xūyào mǎshàng sòng yīyuàn.</span><span class="trans">Who can help this old man? This old man needs to be taken to hospital immediately.</span>
* 我 做 不 好,请 <em>帮帮</em> 我。<span class="pinyin">Wǒ zuò bù hǎo, qǐng <em>bāngbāng</em> wǒ.</span><span class="trans">I can't do it right, please help me.</span>
* 他 还是 个 孩子,你 去 <em>帮帮</em> 他 吧。<span class="pinyin">Tā háishì gè háizi, nǐ qù <em>bāngbāng</em> tā ba.</span><span class="trans">He is still a child, go and help him.</span>
* 有 一 件 事 我们 的 老板 想 请 你 <em>帮帮</em> 他。<span class="pinyin">Yǒu yī jiàn shì wǒmen de lǎobǎn xiǎng qǐng nǐ <em>bāngbāng</em> tā.</span><span class="trans">There is a thing our boss would like you to help him with.</span>
* 我 当时 只是 想 <em>帮</em> 一 <em>帮</em> 朋友,其他 别的 事情 什么 都 没 想。<span class="pinyin">Wǒ dāngshí zhǐshì xiǎng <em>bāng</em> yī <em>bāng</em> péngyou, qítā biéde shìqing shénme dōu méi xiǎng.</span><span class="trans">I was just trying to help a friend, I didn't think about anything else.</span>
* 你 每天 回 到 家 不 应该 什么 家务 都 不 做,你 应该 <em>帮帮</em> 你 的 老婆。<span class="pinyin">Nǐ měitiān huí dào jiā bù yīnggāi shénme jiāwù dōu bù zuò, nǐ yīnggāi <em>bāngbāng</em> nǐ de lǎopo.</span><span class="trans">You shouldn't come home every day and not do anything around the house, you should help your wife.</span>
* 请 你 <em>帮</em> 一 <em>帮</em> 我,今天 我 一个人 肯定 来不及 完成 这个 工作 。<span class="pinyin">Qǐng nǐ <em>bāng</em> yī <em>bāng</em> wǒ, jīntiān wǒ yīgèrén kěndìng láibují wánchéng zhège gōngzuò.</span><span class="trans">Please give me a hand. By myself I definitely won't be able to finish this in time today.</span>
== 帮助 (bāngzhù) can mean both "to help" as a verb and "help" as a noun" ==
== 帮助 (bāngzhù) can mean both "to help" as a verb and "help" as a noun" ==
帮助 can both function as a two-character form of the verb 帮 and also as a noun, useful for phrases like "thank you for your help."
== 帮 (bāng) can be used with action verbs ==
<div class="liju">
* 我们 要 互相 学习,互相 <em>帮助</em>。<span class="pinyin">Wǒmen yào hùxiāng xuéxí, hùxiāng <em>bāngzhù</em>.</span><span class="trans">We need to learn from each other and help each other.
* 我 不 需要 你 的 <em>帮助</em> ,请 你 走 吧。<span class="pinyin">Wǒ bù xūyào nǐ de <em>bāngzhù</em> , qǐng nǐ zǒu ba.</span><span class="trans">I don't need your help. Please go away.</span>
* 去年 有 哪些 人 <em>帮助</em> 过 你,你 还 记得 吗?<span class="pinyin">Qùnián yǒu nǎxiē rén <em>bāngzhù</em> guo nǐ, nǐ hái jìde ma?</span><span class="trans">Who has helped you last year? Do you remember?</span>
* 谢谢 大家 的 <em>帮助</em> ,我们 已经 成功 地 完成 了 这个 项目。<span class="pinyin">Xièxie dàjiā de <em>bāngzhù</em>, wǒmen yǐjīng chénggōng de wánchéng le zhège xiàngmù.</span><span class="trans">Thanks to everyone's help, we have managed to complete the project.</span>
* 现在 那里 的 老人 和 孩子 更 需要 <em>帮助</em> 。<span class="pinyin">Xiànzài nàli de lǎorén hé háizi gèng xūyào <em>bāngzhù</em>.</span><span class="trans">The elderly and children there need more help now.</span>
* 虽然 我 很 喜欢 这个 作家,但是 我 觉得 今天 他 的 演讲 对 我 没有 什么 <em>帮助</em> 。<span class="pinyin">Suīrán wǒ hěn xǐhuan zhège zuòjiā, dànshì wǒ juéde jīntiān tā de yǎnjiǎng duì wǒ méiyǒu shénme <em>bāngzhù</em>.</span><span class="trans">As much as I like this writer, I don't think his speech today will help me much.</span>
* 为了 感谢 大家 的 <em>帮助</em> ,我 今天 晚上 请 大家 吃饭。<span class="pinyin">Wèile gǎnxiè dàjiā de <em>bāngzhù</em> , wǒ jīntiān wǎnshang qǐng dàjiā chīfàn.</span><span class="trans">To thank you all for your help, I am treating you all to dinner this evening.</span>
* 张 老师 <em>帮助</em> 过 很多 学生,也 包括 我。<span class="pinyin">Zhāng lǎoshī <em>bāngzhù</em> guo hěn duō xuéshēng, yě bāokuò wǒ.</span><span class="trans">Teacher Zhang has helped many students, including me.</span>
* 我 有 个 很 好 的 朋友,他 <em>帮助</em> 我 建立 了 这个 公司。<span class="pinyin">Wǒ yǒu gè hěn hǎo de péngyou, tā <em>bāngzhù</em> wǒ jiànlì le zhège gōngsī.</span><span class="trans">I have a very good friend who helped me set up this company.</span>
* 她 既 不 喜欢 <em>帮助</em> 别人 也 不 喜欢 和 别人 聊天,所以 大家 都 不 喜欢 她。<span class="pinyin">Tā jì bù xǐhuan <em>bāngzhù</em> biérén yě bù xǐhuan hé biérén liáotiān, suǒyǐ dàjiā dōu bù xǐhuan tā.</span><span class="trans">She neither likes to help nor talk to people, so people don't like her.</span>
== 帮 (bāng) can be used with action verbs to mean "for" ==
In this case, 帮 means something like "for." 帮助 is not used in this way.
In this case, 帮 means something like "for." 帮助 is not used in this way.
=== Example Sentences ===
<div class="liju">
* 你 能 <em>帮</em> 我 写 吗 ?<span class="pinyin">Nǐ néng <em>bāng</em> wǒ xiě ma?</span><span class="trans">Can you write it for me?</span>
* 我 正在 开会,你 让 小王  <em>帮</em>  你 搬 一下 桌子 吧。<span class="pinyin">Wǒ zhèngzài kāi huì, nǐ ràng XiǎoWáng <em>bāng</em> nǐ bān yīxià zhuōzi ba.</span><span class="trans">I'm in a meeting. Have Xiao Wang move your desk for you.</span>
* 如果 你 不 好意思 打 电话 给 她 的话,我  <em>帮</em>  你 打 电话 给 她。<span class="pinyin">Rúguǒ nǐ bù hǎoyìsi dǎ diànhuà gěi tā dehuà, wǒ <em>bāng</em> nǐ dǎ diànhuà gěi tā.</span><span class="trans">If you're too embarrassed to call her, I'll call her for you.</span>
* 我 觉得 我 可以 <em>帮</em> 你 解决 这个 问题。<span class="pinyin">Wǒ juéde wǒ kěyǐ <em>bāng</em> nǐ jiějué zhège wèntí.</span><span class="trans">I think I can solve this problem for you.</span>
* 我 刚才  <em>帮</em>  你 下载 了 一 个 新 的 软件,下次 你 可以 用 这个 软件 来 编辑 文件。<span class="pinyin">Wǒ gāngcái <em>bāng</em> nǐ xiàzǎi le yī gè xīn de ruǎnjiàn, xiàcì nǐ kěyǐ yòng zhège ruǎnjiàn lái biānjí wénjiàn.</span><span class="trans">I have just downloaded some new software for you. Next time you can use it to edit documents.</span>
=== Websites ===
=== Websites ===
* [https://www.douban.com/note/527556447/?_i=8872219fwTripw "帮" 和 "帮助" 和有什么不一样? ]
* [https://www.douban.com/note/527556447/?_i=8872219fwTripw "帮" 和 "帮助" 和有什么不一样? ]

Latest revision as of 03:13, 26 April 2022

帮 (bāng) and 帮助 (bāngzhù) both are verbs that mean to help or to assist. 帮 (bāng) is used in informal settings or together with other action verbs, whereas 帮助 (bāngzhù) is used in informal or formal settings. While both words can often be used interchangeably, there are set patterns and phrases can only use 帮 (bāng) or 帮助 (bāngzhù).

帮 (bāng) 帮助 (bāngzhù)
Meaning to help; for to help; help
Part of Speech verb verb
Formality informal flexible

Informally, 帮 (bāng) can mean "to help" as a verb

The word 帮 can be used by itself to mean "to help," and is frequently reduplicated as 帮帮 or 帮一帮. Also note that 帮 can be used with another verb to mean "help me to (verb)."

Common Phrases

  • 我…… bāng wǒ...help me to...
  • 帮帮 我…… bāngbāng wǒ...help me to...
  • 我…… bāngbāng wǒ...help me to...

Example Sentences

  • 我 今天 太 累 了,你 我 吧。Wǒ jīntiān tài lèi le, nǐ bāng wǒ ba.I'm too tired today. Can you help me?
  • 我 今天 太 忙 了,你 可以 我 一下 吗?Wǒ jīntiān tài máng le, nǐ kěyǐ bāng wǒ yīxià ma?I'm too busy today, can you help me out?
  • 帮帮 那个 孩子 吧!他 已经 两 天 没有 吃 东西 了。Bāngbāng nàge háizi ba! tā yǐjīng liǎng tiān méiyǒu chī dōngxi le.Help the boy! He hasn't eaten anything for two days.
  • 谁 可以 帮帮 这个 老人?这个 老人 需要 马上 送 医院。Shéi kěyǐ bāngbāng zhège lǎorén? zhège lǎorén xūyào mǎshàng sòng yīyuàn.Who can help this old man? This old man needs to be taken to hospital immediately.
  • 我 做 不 好,请 帮帮 我。Wǒ zuò bù hǎo, qǐng bāngbāng wǒ.I can't do it right, please help me.
  • 他 还是 个 孩子,你 去 帮帮 他 吧。Tā háishì gè háizi, nǐ qù bāngbāng tā ba.He is still a child, go and help him.
  • 有 一 件 事 我们 的 老板 想 请 你 帮帮 他。Yǒu yī jiàn shì wǒmen de lǎobǎn xiǎng qǐng nǐ bāngbāng tā.There is a thing our boss would like you to help him with.
  • 我 当时 只是 想 朋友,其他 别的 事情 什么 都 没 想。Wǒ dāngshí zhǐshì xiǎng bāngbāng péngyou, qítā biéde shìqing shénme dōu méi xiǎng.I was just trying to help a friend, I didn't think about anything else.
  • 你 每天 回 到 家 不 应该 什么 家务 都 不 做,你 应该 帮帮 你 的 老婆。Nǐ měitiān huí dào jiā bù yīnggāi shénme jiāwù dōu bù zuò, nǐ yīnggāi bāngbāng nǐ de lǎopo.You shouldn't come home every day and not do anything around the house, you should help your wife.
  • 请 你 我,今天 我 一个人 肯定 来不及 完成 这个 工作 。Qǐng nǐ bāngbāng wǒ, jīntiān wǒ yīgèrén kěndìng láibují wánchéng zhège gōngzuò.Please give me a hand. By myself I definitely won't be able to finish this in time today.

帮助 (bāngzhù) can mean both "to help" as a verb and "help" as a noun"

帮助 can both function as a two-character form of the verb 帮 and also as a noun, useful for phrases like "thank you for your help."

  • 我们 要 互相 学习,互相 帮助Wǒmen yào hùxiāng xuéxí, hùxiāng bāngzhù.We need to learn from each other and help each other.
  • 我 不 需要 你 的 帮助 ,请 你 走 吧。Wǒ bù xūyào nǐ de bāngzhù , qǐng nǐ zǒu ba.I don't need your help. Please go away.
  • 去年 有 哪些 人 帮助 过 你,你 还 记得 吗?Qùnián yǒu nǎxiē rén bāngzhù guo nǐ, nǐ hái jìde ma?Who has helped you last year? Do you remember?
  • 谢谢 大家 的 帮助 ,我们 已经 成功 地 完成 了 这个 项目。Xièxie dàjiā de bāngzhù, wǒmen yǐjīng chénggōng de wánchéng le zhège xiàngmù.Thanks to everyone's help, we have managed to complete the project.
  • 现在 那里 的 老人 和 孩子 更 需要 帮助Xiànzài nàli de lǎorén hé háizi gèng xūyào bāngzhù.The elderly and children there need more help now.
  • 虽然 我 很 喜欢 这个 作家,但是 我 觉得 今天 他 的 演讲 对 我 没有 什么 帮助Suīrán wǒ hěn xǐhuan zhège zuòjiā, dànshì wǒ juéde jīntiān tā de yǎnjiǎng duì wǒ méiyǒu shénme bāngzhù.As much as I like this writer, I don't think his speech today will help me much.
  • 为了 感谢 大家 的 帮助 ,我 今天 晚上 请 大家 吃饭。Wèile gǎnxiè dàjiā de bāngzhù , wǒ jīntiān wǎnshang qǐng dàjiā chīfàn.To thank you all for your help, I am treating you all to dinner this evening.
  • 张 老师 帮助 过 很多 学生,也 包括 我。Zhāng lǎoshī bāngzhù guo hěn duō xuéshēng, yě bāokuò wǒ.Teacher Zhang has helped many students, including me.
  • 我 有 个 很 好 的 朋友,他 帮助 我 建立 了 这个 公司。Wǒ yǒu gè hěn hǎo de péngyou, tā bāngzhù wǒ jiànlì le zhège gōngsī.I have a very good friend who helped me set up this company.
  • 她 既 不 喜欢 帮助 别人 也 不 喜欢 和 别人 聊天,所以 大家 都 不 喜欢 她。Tā jì bù xǐhuan bāngzhù biérén yě bù xǐhuan hé biérén liáotiān, suǒyǐ dàjiā dōu bù xǐhuan tā.She neither likes to help nor talk to people, so people don't like her.

帮 (bāng) can be used with action verbs to mean "for"

In this case, 帮 means something like "for." 帮助 is not used in this way.

Example Sentences

  • 你 能 我 写 吗 ?Nǐ néng bāng wǒ xiě ma?Can you write it for me?
  • 我 正在 开会,你 让 小王 你 搬 一下 桌子 吧。Wǒ zhèngzài kāi huì, nǐ ràng XiǎoWáng bāng nǐ bān yīxià zhuōzi ba.I'm in a meeting. Have Xiao Wang move your desk for you.
  • 如果 你 不 好意思 打 电话 给 她 的话,我 你 打 电话 给 她。Rúguǒ nǐ bù hǎoyìsi dǎ diànhuà gěi tā dehuà, wǒ bāng nǐ dǎ diànhuà gěi tā.If you're too embarrassed to call her, I'll call her for you.
  • 我 觉得 我 可以 你 解决 这个 问题。Wǒ juéde wǒ kěyǐ bāng nǐ jiějué zhège wèntí.I think I can solve this problem for you.
  • 我 刚才 你 下载 了 一 个 新 的 软件,下次 你 可以 用 这个 软件 来 编辑 文件。Wǒ gāngcái bāng nǐ xiàzǎi le yī gè xīn de ruǎnjiàn, xiàcì nǐ kěyǐ yòng zhège ruǎnjiàn lái biānjí wénjiàn.I have just downloaded some new software for you. Next time you can use it to edit documents.
