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认为 (rènwéi) and 以为 (yǐwéi) are both verbs that mean "to think" in terms of "to consider" or "to deem" something to be true or false. Both are used be used in informal and formal contexts and sometimes can be used interchangeably. However, only 认为 is often used to mean "in my opinion." Only 以为 is used to describe a situation in which you thought something to be true or correct, but in reality it wasn't.  
认为 (rènwéi) and 以为 (yǐwéi) are both verbs that mean "to think" in terms of "to consider" or "to deem" something to be true or false. Both are used in both informal and formal contexts and sometimes can be used interchangeably. However, only 认为 is often used to mean "in my opinion." Only 以为 is used to describe a situation in which you thought something to be true or correct, but in reality it wasn't.  
{{SimilarWordsCol1|认为|rènwéi|to think|verb|flexible}}
{{SimilarWordsCol1|认为|rènwéi|to think|verb|flexible}}
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== 认为 means "to think" ==
== Use 认为 for "to think (that)" ==
认为 is somewhat more formal than 觉得, but means the same thing.
认为 is somewhat more formal than 觉得, but means the same thing.
<div class="liju">
<div class="liju">
* 我 一直 <em>认为</em> 我 是 幸运 的。<span class="pinyin">Wǒ yīzhí <em>rènwéi</em> wǒ shì xìngyùn de.</span><span class="trans">I always thought I was lucky.</span>
* 我 <em>认为</em> 这件 事情 你 做 的 不 对。<span class="pinyin">Wǒ <em>rènwéi</em> zhèjiàn shìqing nǐ zuò de bù duì.</span><span class="trans">I don't think this is something you've done right.</span>
* 他 <em>认为</em> 这个 会 开 得 很 好。<span class="pinyin">Tā <em>rènwéi</em> zhège huì kāi de hěn hǎo.</span><span class="trans">He thought the meeting went well.</span>
* 我 <em>认为</em> 你 的 西班牙语 很 好。<span class="pinyin">Wǒ <em>rènwéi</em> nǐ de Xībānyáyǔ hěn hǎo.</span><span class="trans">I think your Spanish is very good.</span>
* 我 <em>认为</em> 你 的 西班牙语 很 好。<span class="pinyin">Wǒ <em>rènwéi</em> nǐ de Xībānyáyǔ hěn hǎo.</span><span class="trans">I think your Spanish is very good.</span>
* 我 <em>认为</em> 这件 事情 你 应该 负责。<span class="pinyin">Wǒ <em>rènwéi</em> rènwéi zhèjiàn shìqing nǐ yīnggāi fùzé.</span><span class="trans">I think this is something you should be responsible for.</span>
* 我 <em>认为</em> 这件 事情 你 应该 负责。<span class="pinyin">Wǒ <em>rènwéi</em> rènwéi zhèjiàn shìqing nǐ yīnggāi fùzé.</span><span class="trans">I think this is something you should be responsible for.</span>
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== 以为 can mean "mistakenly believed"  ==
== Use 认为 to say “in my opinion” ==
以为 is used to describe a situation in which you thought something was true or correct, but later found out that was not the case.
<div class="liju">
* 我 <em>认为</em> 中国 菜 很 好吃。<span class="pinyin"> Wǒ <em>rènwéi</em> Zhōngguó cài hěn hǎochī.</span><span class="trans">I think Chinese food is good.</span>
* 我 <em>认为</em> 他 不 是 一 个 好 的 总统。<span class="pinyin"> Wǒ <em>rènwéi</em> tā bù shì yī gè hǎo de zǒngtǒng.</span><span class="trans">I don't think he's a good president.</span>
* 我 <em>认为</em> 好 的 演讲 应该 是 让 人 感动 的。<span class="pinyin"> Wǒ <em>rènwéi</em> hǎo de yǎnjiǎng yīnggāi shì ràng rén gǎndòng de.</span><span class="trans">I think a good speech should move people.</span>
* 我 <em>认为</em> 抽烟 是 一 个 坏 习惯,很 不 健康。<span class="pinyin"> Wǒ <em>rènwéi</em> chōuyān shì yī gè huài xíguàn, hěn bù jiànkāng.</span><span class="trans">I think smoking is a bad habit and very unhealthy.</span>
=== Example sentences ===
== Use 以为 to mean "mistakenly believe" ==
In the following examples only 认为 can be used.  
以为 is used to describe a situation in which you thought something was true or correct, but later found out that was not the case.
<div class="liju">
<div class="liju">
* 我 <em>以为</em> 今天 会 下雨,但是 没有 下。<span class="pinyin"> Wǒ <em>yǐwéi</em> jīntiān huì xiàyǔ, dànshì méiyǒu xià.</span><span class="trans">I thought it would rain today, but it didn't.</span>
* 我 <em>以为</em> 今天 会 下雨,但是 没有 下。<span class="pinyin"> Wǒ <em>yǐwéi</em> jīntiān huì xiàyǔ, dànshì méiyǒu xià.</span><span class="trans">I thought it would rain today, but it didn't.</span>
* 来 中国 以前,我 <em>以为</em> 中国 菜 很 难吃。<span class="pinyin">Lái Zhōngguó yǐqián, Wǒ <em>yǐwéi</em> Zhōngguó cài hěn nánchī.</span><span class="trans">Before I came to China, I thought Chinese food was bad.</span>
* 来 中国 以前,我 <em>以为</em> 中国 菜 很 难吃。<span class="pinyin">Lái Zhōngguó yǐqián, Wǒ <em>yǐwéi</em> Zhōngguó cài hěn nánchī.</span><span class="trans">Before I came to China, I thought Chinese food was't good.</span>
* 他们 <em>以为</em> 你 是 美国人,原来 你 是 加拿大人。<span class="pinyin">Tāmen <em>yǐwéi</em> nǐ shì Měiguórén, yuánlái nǐ shì Jiānádàrén.</span><span class="trans">They thought you were American, but it turns out you are Canadian.</span>
* 他们 <em>以为</em> 你 是 美国人,原来 你 是 南非人。<span class="pinyin">Tāmen <em>yǐwéi</em> nǐ shì Měiguórén, yuánlái nǐ shì Nánfēi rén.</span><span class="trans">They thought you were American, but it turns out you are South African.</span>
* 我 <em>以为</em> 今天 是 星期六,原来 今天 是 星期五。<span class="pinyin">Wǒ <em>yǐwéi</em> jīntiān shì xīngqīliù, yuánlái jīntiān shì xīngqīwǔ.</span><span class="trans">I thought it was Saturday, but it turned out to be Friday.</span>
* 我 <em>以为</em> 这杯 水 是 热 的,其实 这杯 水 是 冷 的。<span class="pinyin">Wǒ <em>yǐwéi</em> zhèbēi shuǐ shì rè de, qíshí zhèbēi shuǐ shì lěng de.</span><span class="trans">I thought the glass of water was hot, but it was cold.</span>
* 大家 <em>以为</em> 你 下午 才 过来,没 想 到 你 会 这么 早 就 到 了。<span class="pinyin"> Dàjiā <em>yǐwéi</em> nǐ xiàwǔ cái guòlái, méi xiǎng dào nǐ huì zhème zǎo jiù dào le.</span><span class="trans">People thought you were coming in the afternoon, but I didn't expect you to be here so early.</span>
* 她 <em>以为</em> 今天 是 上午 十 点 上课,其实 是 下午 三 点 上课。<span class="pinyin">Tā <em>yǐwéi</em> jīntiān shì shàngwǔ shí diǎn shàngkè, qíshí shì xiàwǔ sān diǎn shàngkè.</span><span class="trans">She thought it was a 10am class today, but it's actually a 3pm class.</span>
* 她 <em>以为</em> 今天 是 上午 十 点 上课,其实 是 下午 三 点 上课。<span class="pinyin">Tā <em>yǐwéi</em> jīntiān shì shàngwǔ shí diǎn shàngkè, qíshí shì xiàwǔ sān diǎn shàngkè.</span><span class="trans">She thought it was a 10am class today, but it's actually a 3pm class.</span>
== To say "to think" or "to consider" many times both 认为 and 以为 can be used interchangeably ==
== To say "to think" or "to consider" many times both 认为 and 以为 can be used interchangeably ==
=== Common Phrases ===
There is some overlap between these two terms. In the following examples both 认为 and 以为 can be used.  
In the following examples both 认为 and 以为 can be used.  
<div class="liju dapei">
* 我~
* 你~
* ~很好
* ~很不错
* ~可以
=== Example sentences ===
<div class="liju">
<div class="liju">
* <strong></strong> <em>以为</em> 她 现在 过 得 <strong>好</strong>。<span class="pinyin"> <strong>Wǒ</strong> <em>yǐwéi</em> tā xiànzài guo de <strong>hěn hǎo</strong>.</span><span class="trans">I thought she was doing well now.</span>
* 我 <em>以为</em> 她 现在 过 得 很 好。<span class="pinyin"> Wǒ <em>yǐwéi</em> tā xiànzài guo de hěn hǎo.</span><span class="trans">I thought she was doing well now.</span>
* <strong></strong> <em>认为</em> 她 下个 月 可以 回来。<span class="pinyin"> <strong>Wǒ</strong> <em>rènwéi</em> tā xiàge yuè kěyǐ huílái.</span><span class="trans">I thought she could come back next month.</span>
* 我 <em>认为</em> 她 下个 月 可以 回来。<span class="pinyin"> Wǒ <em>rènwéi</em> tā xiàge yuè kěyǐ huílái.</span><span class="trans">I think she can come back next month.</span>
* <strong></strong> <em>以为</em> 我 忘 了,是 不 是?<span class="pinyin"> <strong>Nǐ</strong> <em>yǐwéi</em> wǒ wàng le, shì bù shì?</span><span class="trans">You think I've forgotten, don't you?</span>
* 你 <em>以为</em> 我 忘 了,是 不 是?<span class="pinyin"> Nǐ <em>yǐwéi</em> wǒ wàng le, shì bù shì?</span><span class="trans">You think I've forgotten, don't you?</span>
* <strong></strong> <em>认为</em> 你 今天 不 来 开 会 了。<span class="pinyin"> <strong>Wǒ</strong> <em>rènwéi</em> nǐ jīntiān bù lái kāi huì le.</span><span class="trans">I thought you weren't coming to the meeting today.</span>
* 我 <em>认为</em> 这个 老师 很 不错。<span class="pinyin"> Wǒ <em>rènwéi</em> zhège lǎoshī hěn bùcuò.</span><span class="trans">I thought the teacher was nice.</span>
* <strong>我</strong> <em>以为</em> 你 喜欢 喝 苦 的 咖啡。<span class="pinyin"> <strong>Wǒ</strong> <em>yǐwéi</em> nǐ xǐhuan hē kǔ de kāfēi.</span><span class="trans">I thought you liked bitter coffee.</span>
* <strong>我</strong> <em>认为</em> 这个 老师 很 不错。<span class="pinyin"> <strong>Wǒ</strong> <em>rènwéi</em> zhège lǎoshī hěn bùcuò.</span><span class="trans">I thought the teacher was nice.</span>
== To say “in my opinion” use 认为 ==
To keep things straight in your own head, it's not a bad idea to use 以为 ''ONLY'' for the "mistakenly believe" idea. You just need to be aware that 以为 is not ''exclusively'' for mistaken beliefs.
=== Example sentences ===
<div class="liju">
* 我 <em>认为</em> 中国 菜 很 好吃。<span class="pinyin"> Wǒ <em>rènwéi</em> Zhōngguó cài hěn hǎochī.</span><span class="trans">I think Chinese food is good.</span>
* 我 <em>认为</em> 他 不 是 一 个 好 的 总统。<span class="pinyin"> Wǒ <em>rènwéi</em> tā bù shì yī gè hǎo de zǒngtǒng.</span><span class="trans">I don't think he's a good president.</span>
* 你 <em>认为</em> 经验 和 能力 哪个 重要?<span class="pinyin"> Nǐ <em>rènwéi</em> jīngyàn hé nénglì nǎge zhòngyào?</span><span class="trans">Which do you think is more important, experience or ability?</span>
* 我 <em>认为</em> 好 的 演讲 应该 是 让 人 感动 的。<span class="pinyin"> Wǒ <em>rènwéi</em> hǎo de yǎnjiǎng yīnggāi shì ràng rén gǎndòng de.</span><span class="trans">I think a good speech should move people.</span>
* 我 <em>认为</em> 抽烟 是 一 个 坏 习惯,很 不 健康。<span class="pinyin"> Wǒ <em>rènwéi</em> chōuyān shì yī gè huài xíguàn, hěn bù jiànkāng.</span><span class="trans">I think smoking is a bad habit and very unhealthy.</span>
* 你 <em>认为</em> 法国 队 的 优势 和 劣势 分别 是 什么?<span class="pinyin"> Nǐ <em>rènwéi</em> Fǎguó duì de yōushì hé lièshì fēnbié shì shénme?</span><span class="trans">What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of the French team?</span>
=== Websites ===
=== Websites ===
* [https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/653992511686170765.html “以为”和“认为”]

Latest revision as of 09:57, 28 April 2022

认为 (rènwéi) and 以为 (yǐwéi) are both verbs that mean "to think" in terms of "to consider" or "to deem" something to be true or false. Both are used in both informal and formal contexts and sometimes can be used interchangeably. However, only 认为 is often used to mean "in my opinion." Only 以为 is used to describe a situation in which you thought something to be true or correct, but in reality it wasn't.

认为 (rènwéi) 以为 (yǐwéi)
Meaning to think to think mistakenly
Part of Speech verb verb (mostly)
Formality flexible flexible

Use 认为 for "to think (that)"

认为 is somewhat more formal than 觉得, but means the same thing.

  • 认为 你 的 西班牙语 很 好。rènwéi nǐ de Xībānyáyǔ hěn hǎo.I think your Spanish is very good.
  • 认为 这件 事情 你 应该 负责。rènwéi rènwéi zhèjiàn shìqing nǐ yīnggāi fùzé.I think this is something you should be responsible for.
  • 很 多 人 认为 成功 就 是 有 很 多 钱。Hěn duō rén rènwéi chénggōng jiù shì yǒu hěn duō qián.A lot of people think success is having a lot of money.
  • 从 这个 角度 来说,我 认为 规定 很 重要。Cóng zhège jiǎodù láishuō, wǒ rènwéi guīdìng hěn zhòngyào.From that point of view, I think the regulations are important.

Use 认为 to say “in my opinion”

  • 认为 中国 菜 很 好吃。rènwéi Zhōngguó cài hěn hǎochī.I think Chinese food is good.
  • 认为 他 不 是 一 个 好 的 总统。rènwéi tā bù shì yī gè hǎo de zǒngtǒng.I don't think he's a good president.
  • 认为 好 的 演讲 应该 是 让 人 感动 的。rènwéi hǎo de yǎnjiǎng yīnggāi shì ràng rén gǎndòng de.I think a good speech should move people.
  • 认为 抽烟 是 一 个 坏 习惯,很 不 健康。rènwéi chōuyān shì yī gè huài xíguàn, hěn bù jiànkāng.I think smoking is a bad habit and very unhealthy.

Use 以为 to mean "mistakenly believe"

以为 is used to describe a situation in which you thought something was true or correct, but later found out that was not the case.

  • 以为 今天 会 下雨,但是 没有 下。yǐwéi jīntiān huì xiàyǔ, dànshì méiyǒu xià.I thought it would rain today, but it didn't.
  • 来 中国 以前,我 以为 中国 菜 很 难吃。Lái Zhōngguó yǐqián, Wǒ yǐwéi Zhōngguó cài hěn nánchī.Before I came to China, I thought Chinese food was't good.
  • 他们 以为 你 是 美国人,原来 你 是 南非人。Tāmen yǐwéi nǐ shì Měiguórén, yuánlái nǐ shì Nánfēi rén.They thought you were American, but it turns out you are South African.
  • 以为 今天 是 上午 十 点 上课,其实 是 下午 三 点 上课。yǐwéi jīntiān shì shàngwǔ shí diǎn shàngkè, qíshí shì xiàwǔ sān diǎn shàngkè.She thought it was a 10am class today, but it's actually a 3pm class.

To say "to think" or "to consider" many times both 认为 and 以为 can be used interchangeably

There is some overlap between these two terms. In the following examples both 认为 and 以为 can be used.

  • 以为 她 现在 过 得 很 好。yǐwéi tā xiànzài guo de hěn hǎo.I thought she was doing well now.
  • 认为 她 下个 月 可以 回来。rènwéi tā xiàge yuè kěyǐ huílái.I think she can come back next month.
  • 以为 我 忘 了,是 不 是?yǐwéi wǒ wàng le, shì bù shì?You think I've forgotten, don't you?
  • 认为 这个 老师 很 不错。rènwéi zhège lǎoshī hěn bùcuò.I thought the teacher was nice.

To keep things straight in your own head, it's not a bad idea to use 以为 ONLY for the "mistakenly believe" idea. You just need to be aware that 以为 is not exclusively for mistaken beliefs.
