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== Use 花 or 用 for time or money ==
== Use 花 or 用 for time or money ==
=== Common Phrases ===
In these three phrases, 花 and 用 both mean "spend." The "time" and "money" uses are the most common.
<div class="liju dapei">
* 花 / 用 钱
* 花 / 用 时间
* 花 / 用 精力
=== Example Sentences ===
=== Example Sentences ===
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== 用 has a broader range of uses ==
== 用 has a broader range of uses ==
=== Common Structure ===
Although 用 can be a verb by itself meaning "to use," it is often used with other verbs.
<div class="jiegou">
用 + [Tool / Means] + Verb Phrase
=== Example Sentences ===
When 用 indicates a "tool" or "means," we've highlighted those in the examples below as well.
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<div class="liju">
* 我 通常 用 信用卡 支付 , 但是 在 中国 我 <em>用</em> 微信 支付 。 <span class="pinyin">Wǒ tōngcháng yòng xìnyòngkǎ zhīfù, dànshì zài Zhōngguó wǒ <em> yòng </em> Wēi xìn zhīfù.</span><span class="trans">I usually pay by credit card, but in China I pay by WeChat.</span>
* 我 平时 <em>用</em> <strong>信用卡</strong> 支付 , 但是 在 中国 我 <em>用</em> <strong>微信</strong> 支付 。 <span class="pinyin">Wǒ píngshí <em>yòng</em> <strong>xìnyòngkǎ</strong> zhīfù, dànshì zài Zhōngguó wǒ <em>yòng</em> <strong>Wēixìn</strong> zhīfù.</span><span class="trans">I usually pay by credit card, but in China I pay by WeChat.</span>
* 我 不 知道 <em>用</em> 中文 怎么 解释 。 <span class="pinyin">Wǒ bù zhīdào <em> yòng </em> Zhōngwén zěnme jiěshì.</span><span class="trans">I don't know how to explain it in Chinese.</span>
* 我 不 知道 <em>用</em> <strong>中文</strong> 怎么 解释 。 <span class="pinyin">Wǒ bù zhīdào <em>yòng</em> <strong>Zhōngwén</strong> zěnme jiěshì.</span><span class="trans">I don't know how to explain it in Chinese.</span>
* 我 <em>用</em> 微信 和 朋友 聊天 。 <span class="pinyin">Wǒ <em> yòng </em> Wēi xìn hé péngyou liáotiān.</span><span class="trans">I use WeChat to chat with my friends.</span>
* 我 <em>用</em> <strong>微信</strong> 和 朋友 聊天 。 <span class="pinyin">Wǒ <em> yòng </em> <strong>Wēixìn</strong> hé péngyou liáotiān.</span><span class="trans">I use WeChat to chat with my friends.</span>
* 冬天 我 喜欢 <em>用</em> 取暖 器 , 不 喜欢 <em>用</em> 空调 。 <span class="pinyin">Dōngtiān wǒ xǐhuan <em> yòng </em> qǔnuǎn qì, bù xǐhuan <em> yòng </em> kōngtiáo.</span><span class="trans">In winter I like to use a heater, not an air conditioner.</span>
* 冬天 我 喜欢 <em>用</em> 取暖 器 , 不 喜欢 <em>用</em> 空调 。 <span class="pinyin">Dōngtiān wǒ xǐhuan <em> yòng </em> qǔnuǎn qì, bù xǐhuan <em> yòng </em> kōngtiáo.</span><span class="trans">In winter I like to use a heater, not an air conditioner.</span>
* 中国人 现在 很 少 <em>用</em> 现金 。 <span class="pinyin">Zhōngguó rén xiànzài hěn shǎo <em> yòng </em> xiànjīn.</span><span class="trans">Chinese people rarely use cash nowadays.</span>
* 中国人 现在 很 少 <em>用</em> 现金 。 <span class="pinyin">Zhōngguó rén xiànzài hěn shǎo <em> yòng </em> xiànjīn.</span><span class="trans">Chinese people rarely use cash nowadays.</span>

Revision as of 03:40, 6 May 2022

花 (huā) and 用 (yòng) are both verbs, and both can be paired with certain similar words. 花 means “to spend” and is often paired with time (时间) or money (钱). On the other hand, 用 means “to use” and can be paired with time (时间), money (钱), and a variety of other words. An additional difference is that 花 is used only in informal situations, compared to 用 which has no such restrictions.

花 (huā) 用 (yòng)
Meaning to spend to use
Part of Speech verb verb
Formality informal flexible

Use 花 or 用 for time or money

Common Phrases

In these three phrases, 花 and 用 both mean "spend." The "time" and "money" uses are the most common.

  • 花 / 用 钱
  • 花 / 用 时间
  • 花 / 用 精力

Example Sentences

  • 我 每 天 很 多 时间 来 学习 汉语 。 Wǒ měi tiān huā hěn duō shíjiān lái xuéxí Hànyǔ.I spend a lot of time every day learning Chinese.
  • 我 不 喜欢 做 家务 , 因为 需要 很 多 时间 。 Wǒ bù xǐhuan zuò jiāwù, yīnwèi xūyào huā hěn duō shíjiān.I don't like to do housework because it takes a lot of time.
  • 昨天 他 了 三 个 小时 做 作业 。 Zuótiān tā huā le sān gè xiǎoshí zuò zuòyè.Yesterday he spent three hours doing his homework.
  • 父母 为了 我 了 这么 多 时间 和 钱 。 Fùmǔ wèile wǒ huā le zhème duō shíjiān hé qián.My parents spend so much time and money for me.
  • 我 喜欢 买 东西 , 但是 不 喜欢 钱 。 Wǒ xǐhuan mǎi dōngxi, dànshì bù xǐhuan huā qián.I like to buy things, but I don't like to spend money.
  • 他们 公司 了 很 大 精力 才 找到 了 合适 的 设计师。 Tāmen gōngsī huā le hěn dà jīnglì cái zhǎodào le héshì de shèjìshī.It took a lot of effort for their company to find the right designer.
  • 公交 卡 的 钱 完 了 , 你 可以 充值 。 Gōngjiāo kǎ de qián yòng wán le, nǐ kěyǐ chōngzhí.You can recharge your bus pass when you've used up the balance on it.
  • 可以 钱 解决 问题。 Kěyǐ yòng qián jiějué wèntí.You can spend money to solve the problem.
  • 做 完 这个 项目,你 了 多 长 时间? Zuò wán zhège xiàngmù, nǐ yòng le duō cháng shíjiān?How long did it take you to finish the project?
  • 这些 钱 我 想 留着 自己 Zhèxiē qián wǒ xiǎng liú zhe zìjǐ yòng .I want to keep this money to spend myself.
  • 这 本 书 很 重要,我 可以 一千 块 把 这 本 书 买 回来。 Zhè běn shū hěn zhòngyào, wǒ kěyǐ yòng yīqiān kuài bǎ zhè běn shū mǎi huílái.This book is important. I can spend a thousand RMB to buy this book back.

用 has a broader range of uses

Common Structure

Although 用 can be a verb by itself meaning "to use," it is often used with other verbs.

用 + [Tool / Means] + Verb Phrase

Example Sentences

When 用 indicates a "tool" or "means," we've highlighted those in the examples below as well.

  • 我 平时  信用卡 支付 , 但是 在 中国 我  微信 支付 。 Wǒ píngshí yòng xìnyòngkǎ zhīfù, dànshì zài Zhōngguó wǒ yòng Wēixìn zhīfù.I usually pay by credit card, but in China I pay by WeChat.
  • 我 不 知道  中文 怎么 解释 。 Wǒ bù zhīdào yòng Zhōngwén zěnme jiěshì.I don't know how to explain it in Chinese.
  • 我  微信 和 朋友 聊天 。 yòng Wēixìn hé péngyou liáotiān.I use WeChat to chat with my friends.
  • 冬天 我 喜欢  取暖 器 , 不 喜欢  空调 。 Dōngtiān wǒ xǐhuan yòng qǔnuǎn qì, bù xǐhuan yòng kōngtiáo.In winter I like to use a heater, not an air conditioner.
  • 中国人 现在 很 少  现金 。 Zhōngguó rén xiànzài hěn shǎo yòng xiànjīn.Chinese people rarely use cash nowadays.
