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=== Websites ===

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花 and 用 are both verbs, and have a similarity in that they both can be paired with similar words, but in reality their meaning is very different. 花 means “to spend” as is almost always paired with time (时间) or money (钱), on the other hand, 用 means “to use” and can be paired with time (时间), money (钱), and a variety of other words. An additional difference is that 花 is used in informal situations, compared to 用 which is used in informal or formal situations.

花 (huā) 用 (yòng)
Meaning to spend to use
Part of Speech verb verb
Formality informal flexible


“用”和“花” https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1712970375463682368&wfr=spider&for=pc