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Both 遍 (biàn) and 次 (cì) are commonly used measure words that tell how many times an action is done. Both are used in formal and informal contexts. The difference is that 遍 means doing an action all the way from the beginning to the end, whereas 次 refers to the total number of times an action occurs, regardless of full completion.
遍 (biàn) | 次 (cì) | |
Meaning | times an action has been completed from beginning to end | number of times an action occurs |
Part of Speech | measure word | measure word |
Formality | flexible | flexible |
To show the total number of times an action occurs use 次 (cì)
When you want to show the total number of times an action occurs, use 次 (cì). In this case you're not emphasizing full completion. In some cases (such as going somewhere), there's no "partial completion" anyway, so just use 次 (cì).
次 is definitely more common, and the one you probably learned first.
Common Phrases
- 看 过 一 次 watched one time
- 听 过 三 次 listened three times
- 去 过 几 次 went several times
Example Sentences
- 我 去 过 两 次 上海。 I've been to Shanghai twice.
- 我 看过 三 次 这个 电影,但 每 次 都 没 看 完。 I've seen this movie three times, but I never finished it each time.
- 我 很 喜欢 红烧肉,我 已经 吃 过 很多 次 了。 I like roast pork so much I've eaten it many times.
- 他 一 个 星期 去 两 次 健身房 。 He goes to the gym twice a week.
- 我 玩 过 几 次 这个 游戏,这个 游戏 还 不错。 I've played this game a few times and it's not a bad game.
To reference a specific time or instance, use 次 (cì)
To indicate "this time," "next time," "every time," "the first time," etc. use 次 (cì).
Common Phrases
- 这 次 this time
- 下 次 next time
- 每 次 every time
- 第一 次 the first time
Example Sentences
- 今天 没有 时间 , 我们 下 次 学习 。 No time today, we'll study next time.
- 这 次 的 旅游 很 好玩。 This trip was fun.
- 我 每 次 上课 以前 都 会 准备 。 I prepare before every class.
- 上 次 我 是 坐 飞机 回 美国 的。 Last time I flew back to the United States.
- 这 是 我 第一 次 来 中国。 This is my first time in China.
When an action is done from beginning to end, use 遍 (biàn)
This is pretty straightforward. When you do something all the way from the beginning to the end use 遍 (biàn). This is common when talking about things like a sentence someone said, a story, or a song.
Common Phrases
- 再 说 一 遍 say it again (from beginning to end)
- 再 听 一 遍 listen again (from beginning to end)
- 再 读 一 遍 read it again (from beginning to end)
Example Sentences
Again, use 遍 (biàn) only for actions done from beginning to end.
- 你 可以 再 说 一 遍 吗? Can you say it again?
- 我 看 过 两 遍 这个 电影。 I've seen the movie twice.
- 我 很 喜欢 这 本 书,我 看 了 五 遍。 I like this book so much that I have read it five times.
- 这个 歌 我 每天 都 听 一 遍。 I listen to this song once a day.
- 请 写 十 遍 这个 汉字。 Please write this kanji ten times.
- 我 和 你 说 了 两 遍,你 不 可能 不 知道。 I've told you twice, you can't not know it.
- 这个 电影 很 好看 , 我 想 再 看 一 遍。 This movie is so good that I want to see it again.
- 我 已经 听 了 三、四 遍, 还是 听 不 懂。 I have listened to it three or four times, but I still don't understand it.
- 我 跟 你 说 过 很多 遍 了 , 你 为什么 不 听 呢 ? I've told you many times, why don't you listen?