Comparing "jian" and "jianmian"A2/HSK3

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Both 见 (jiàn) and 见面 (jiànmiàn) to mean “to see someone” or "to meet up with someone." Sometimes they can be used interchangeably.

见 (jiàn) 见面 (jiànmiàn)
Meaning to see someone to meet face to face
Part of Speech verb verb
Formality formal and informal formal and informal

The key difference between these words is 见 emphasizes to see someone, whereas 见面 emphasizes a to meet up with someone (face to face).


Example Sentences

In the following sentences, 见 and 见面 both can be used interchangeably:


Common Phrases with 见

These common phrases only work with 见:

  • ~朋友 ~ péngyouto see a friend
  • ~你 ~ nǐto see you
  • 明天~ Míngtiān ~see you tomorrow
  • 一会儿~ Yīhuìr ~see you in a while
  • 下次~ Xiàcì ~see you next time
  • 晚上~ Wǎnshang ~see you tonight
  • 明年~ Míngnián ~see you next year

You'll notice that the English translation "see" feels natural for most of the examples here, although in some cases "meet" might qork as well.

Example Sentences with 见

In the following sentences, only 见 can be used:

Example Sentences with 见面

In the following sentences, only 见面 can be used:

  • 我们 三 个 月 没有 见面 了。
  • 今天 晚上 我 要 和 我的 一 个 朋友 见面 。
  • 第 一 次 见面 后 我们 成 了 朋友 。
  • 我 和 姐姐 的 见面 机会 很 少 。
  • 请 你 帮 我 取消 下午 和 客户 的 见面 。

Advanced Differences

Technically, 见面 (jiànmiàn) is just one way to use 见 (jiàn). 见面 (jiànmiàn) is a special type of Chinese verb-object construct called a “separable verb,” meaning 见 and 面 can be “separated” and other information can be put in the middle. This grammar is a bit complicated, though, and you don't need it as an elementary learner. For a detailed understanding of this type of verb and its usage, see the intermediate-level Chinese Grammar Wiki grammar points on separable verbs.

Sources and further reading


  • 1700对近义词语用法对比 第654页
