Comparing "deng" and "dengdeng"B1/HSK4

等 (děng) and 等等 (děngděng) both mean “and so on” or “etc.” Both can be used in formal and in informal contexts. While they can often be used interchangeably, both have distinct uses.

等 (děng) 等等 (děngděng)
Meaning and so on, etc. and so on, etc.
Part of Speech auxiliary auxiliary
Formality flexible flexible

Both 等 and 等等 be used after two or more words in a list to mean “and so on” or “etc.”.

To sum up 2 or more words used in a list only 等 can be used

Example sentences

  • 她 喜欢的 运动 有 游泳、跑步、瑜伽 Tā xǐhuan de yùndòng yǒu yóuyǒng, pǎobù, yújiā děng .Her favorite sports are swimming, running, yoga, etc.
  • 饺子 、 包子 、 面  , 我 都 喜欢 吃。 Jiǎozi, bāozi, miàn děng , wǒ dōu xǐhuan chī.I like to eat dumplings, dumplings, noodles, etc.
  • 我 去 过 法国、英国、泰国 国家。 Wǒ qù guo Fǎguó, Yīngguó, tàiguó děng guójiā.I have been to France, England, Thailand and other countries.
  • 他 有 很多 缺点,懒、不 爱 运动、爱 吃 垃圾 食品 Tā yǒu hěn duō quēdiǎn, lǎn, bù ài yùndòng, ài chī lājī shípǐn děng .He has many disadvantages, such as laziness, lack of exercise, and love of junk food.
  • 这个 列车 终点站 是 深圳,我们 会 路过 石家庄、郑州、武汉、长沙 地方。 Zhège lièchē zhōngdiǎn zhàn shì Shēnzhèn, wǒmen huì lùguò Shíjiāzhuāng, Zhèngzhōu, Wǔhàn, Chángshā děng dìfang.This train ends in Shenzhen, we will pass through Shijiazhuang, Zhengzhou, Wuhan, Changsha and other places.
  • 我们 公司 有 采购部 、 财务 部 、 销售 部 和 人事 部  部门 。 Wǒmen gōngsī yǒu cǎigòubù, cáiwù bù, xiāoshòu bù hé rénshì bù děng bùmén.Our company has a purchasing department, a finance department, a sales department and a personnel department.
  • 联合国 有 汉语、英语、法语、俄语、西班牙语、阿拉伯语 六 种 工作 语言。 Liánhéguó yǒu Hànyǔ, Yīngyǔ, Fǎyǔ, Éyǔ, Xībānyáyǔ, Ālābóyǔ děng liù zhǒng gōngzuò yǔyán.The United Nations has six working languages: Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish, and Arabic.

At the end of a sentence only 等等 can be repeated twice

  • 我喜欢各种各样的运动,比如,打篮球、踢足球、练瑜伽等等,等等。

When 等等 is used in formal writing it is usually proceeded by a comma

Sources and further reading

