Comparing "jian" and "kan"

Both 见 (jiàn) and 看 (kàn) are often used in informal and formal settings to mean “to meet” or “to see someone”. 见 (jiàn) can also mean to “meet up with” someone, while 看 (kàn) can also mean to watch, to read, or to look at, and even has a special use for visiting the doctor.

见 (jiàn) 看 (kàn)
Meaningto meet someoneto watch, to read, to look at, to visit
Part of Speechverbverb

To say "to read," "to watch," or "to look at" use 看 (kàn)

To describe a situation in which someone is reading a book, watching tv, taking in a sporting event or performance on tv or in person, or even enjoying the scenery only 看 (kàn) can be used, meaning "to watch" or "to look at."

Common Phrases

  • 看 书
  • 看 电影
  • 看 手机
  • 看 风景

Example Sentences

  • 我 很 喜欢 书。
  • 他 不 想 工作,他 想 手机。
  • 昨天 我 去 电影 了。
  • 我 喜欢 旅游,因为 我 想 风景。

To say to meet up with someone use 见 (jiàn)

Set Phrases

Meeting up (i.e., getting together, a rendezvous) with someone is often used in fixed phrases, often resembling the English pattern “see you tomorrow”, “see you next time”, etc.

  • 明天 见
  • 下次 见
  • 好 久 不 见

Common Phrases

If you want to describe a situation in which you go and see someone in person, you also use 见 (jiàn).

  • 朋友
  • 老师
  • kàn go see you

Example Sentences

While 见 (jiàn) is used in fixed phrases to mean “meeting up”, it can also be independently to mean “meet up” in the sense of have an encounter or have interaction with someone.

  • 我们 下 星期
  • 我 和 朋友 明天 晚上
  • 他 今天 非常 忙 , 没 时间 你 了 。
  • 十 年 没 他 , 他 的 变化 很 大 。
  • 虽然 我们 俩 都 在 成都,但是 我 很 忙,没时间 他。
  • 那个 女孩儿 很 好, 过 她 的 人 都 很 喜欢 她。
  • 今天 晚上 我 会 去 朋友 。
  • 下课之后我要去见朋友。
  • 你今天要去见她吗?
  • 今天不能和你一起去吃饭了,我要去见客户。

To say "to visit the doctor" use 看 (kàn)

Although this is a special use of 看 (kàn), it pretty easy to understand, if you have an appointment with the doctor or to need to pay a visit to the doctor because of sickness or an ailment use 看 (kàn).

Set Phrases

  • 医生

Example Sentences

  • 他 身体 有点 不舒服,他 明天 去
  • 我 昨天 去 医生 了。

To say "to visit" someone use 看 (kàn)

If you want to describe a situation in which you visit someone, as in going on a vacation to see relatives or visiting someone in their home to catch up, etc. use 看 (kàn). These imply the purpose of the visit includes inquiries into someone else’s health and well-being.

Look above (specifically 见 (jiàn) used in the sense of “to meet someone”) and you can see that here 看 (kàn) and 见 (jiàn)’s use and example sentences are all very similar; just remember, using 看 (kàn) emphasizes a visit and includes a taking into consideration someone else’s health and well-being, and that in this context 看 (kàn) is not as commonly used as 见 (jiàn).

Common Phrases

  • 家人
  • 朋友
  • 老师
  • kàn go visit you

Example Sentences

  • 我们要利用暑假去 家人。
  • 我们今天去南京 朋友。
  • 我去 你。
  • 我 听说 她 最近 不开心,我 想 去 她。
  • 张老师来我们家 我们。

看见 (kànjiàn) means "to see"

In the word 看见 (kànjiàn), 看 (kàn) means "to look at," but is combined with the result complement 见 (jiàn), which is not the same as the verb 见, detailed above. 看见 (kànjiàn) means "to see." It is equivalent to the word 看到 (kàndào).

  • 看见 了 一 只 猫。
  • 不 好意思,我 没有 看见 你。
  • 昨天 我 在 超市 看见 了 他,但是 他 没有 看见 我 。
  • 你 能 看见 我 吗?

For more advanced uses of 看见 (kànjiàn) and 看到 (kàndào), be sure to check out their article on the Chinese Grammar Wiki.