Tone pair 4-1

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This page will cover some examples of the 4-1 tone pair, which Sinosplice rates as a "6" on a difficulty rating of 1-7 (easiest to hardest).

When practicing, begin with a high tone and end with a sharp fall, almost like you are angry. First character is flat and high, when going into the second character start low then go lower before rising to a high tone. Practice this tone pair using the words below. Once you can say them reliable in isolation (as just a tone pair), try putting them in longer sentences while keeping the tones accurate.

4-1 Tone Pair Diagram

It helps many learners to see the two tones side by side.

Tone Pair 4-1 cropped.png

4-1 Tone Pair Words (A2)

If you're just getting started with tone pairs, these simple two-syllable words and phrases are a good place to start. If these are too easy, you may want to move onto the longer (B1) phrases below.

Audio Chinese Pinyin English
上班 shàngbān to go to work
下班 xiàbān to finish work; to get off work
蛋糕 dàngāo cake
夏天 xiàtiān summer
面包 miànbāo bread

Remember: the word 一些 (yīxie) has a tone change, which means it is pronounced "yìxiē" (a 4-1 tone pair).

Source: AllSet Learning's "Tone Pair" Pronunciation Pack (used with permission)

4-1 Tone Pair Phrases (B1)

Audio Chinese Pinyin English
做蛋糕 zuò dàngāo to make a cake
蛋糕店 dàngāo diàn cake shop
面包店 miànbāo diàn bakery
在夏天 zài xiàtiān in the summer
去上班 qù shàngbān to go to work

Remember: the word 一些 (yīxie) has a tone change, which means it is pronounced "yìxiē" (a 4-1 tone pair).

Source: AllSet Learning's "Tone Pair" Pronunciation Pack (used with permission)

4-1 Tone Pair Combos

Audio Chinese Pinyin English
(coming) 太干 tài gān too dry
(coming) 太轻 tài qīng too light
(coming) 太酸 tài suān too sour

Source: Sinosplice's Mandarin Chinese Tone Pair Drills (used with permission)

Sources and further reading

