Tone pair 4-4

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This page will cover some examples of the 4-4 tone pair, which Sinosplice rates as a "2" on a difficulty rating of 1-7 (easiest to hardest).

Practice this tone pair using the words below. Once you can say them reliable in isolation (as just a tone pair), try putting them in longer sentences while keeping the tones accurate.

4-4 Tone Pair Diagram

It helps many learners to see the two tones side by side.

Tone Pair 4-4 cropped.png

4-4 Tone Pair Words (A2)

If you're just getting started with tone pairs, these simple two-syllable words and phrases are a good place to start. If these are too easy, you may want to move onto the longer (B1) phrases below.

Audio Chinese Pinyin English
看见 kànjiàn to see
现在 xiànzài now, nowadays
最后 zuìhòu last; finally
会议 huìyì meeting
电话 diànhuà telephone; phone number

Source: AllSet Learning's "Tone Pair" Pronunciation Pack (used with permission)

4-4 Tone Pair Phrases (B1)

Audio Chinese Pinyin English
打电话 dǎ diànhuà to make a telephone call
想见面 xiǎng jiànmiàn would like to meet
说再见 shuō zàijiàn to say goodbye
电话会议 diànhuà huìyì telephone conference call
最近会见面 zuìjìn huì jiànmiàn will meet these days

Source: AllSet Learning's "Tone Pair" Pronunciation Pack (used with permission)

4-4 Tone Pair Combos

Audio Chinese Pinyin English
(coming) 太大 tài dà too big
(coming) 太贵 tài guì too expensive
(coming) 太快 tài kuài too fast
(coming) 太热 tài rè too hot
(coming) 太饿 tài è too hungry

Source: Sinosplice's Mandarin Chinese Tone Pair Drills (used with permission)

Sources and further reading

