Tone pair 1-2

If you're already familiar with tone pairs, then you might be ready for some specific examples. This page will cover some examples of the 1-1 tone pair, which Sinosplice rates as a "5" on a difficulty rating of 1-7 (easiest to hardest).

This one's a little difficult. Practice this tone pair using the words below. Once you can say them reliable in isolation (as just a tone pair), try putting them in longer sentences while keeping the tones accurate.

1-2 Tone Pair Combos

Source: Sinosplice's Mandarin Chinese Tone Pair Drills (used with permission)

  • 新年 (xīnnián)new year

1-2 Tone Pair Words

Sources: Sinosplice's Mandarin Chinese Tone Pair Drills, AllSet Learning's "Tone Pair" Pronunciation Pack (used with permission)

  • 突然 (tūrán)suddenly
  • 天堂 (tiāntáng) Heaven
  • 猜拳 (cāiquán) finger guessing game
  • 加油 (jiāyóu)Add oil, to cheer someone on
  • 生活 (shēnghuó) Life

Sources and further reading
