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<div class="liju dapei">
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* 有意思
* 有 <em>意思</em><span class="pinyin">yǒu <em>yìsi</em></span><span class="trans">interesting</span>
* 没意思
* 没意思
* 不好意思
* 不好意思

Revision as of 06:53, 29 April 2022

意思 (yìsi) and 意义 (yìyì) are both nouns that mean "meaning," but with different nuances. 意思 is used in informal situations and a wide range of set phrases and is broader in range, whereas 意义 is used in formal settings in less colloquial ways.

意思 (yìsi) 意义 (yìyì)
Meaning meaning value, significance
Part of Speech noun noun
Formality informal formal

意思 and 意义 both mean "meaning" and are sometimes roughly interchangeable

Note that using 意思sounds more casual, and using 意义 sounds more serious in the following examples.

  • 你这样做有什么意思?
  • 你能不能解释一下这句话的意思?

意思 is used in a wide array of colloquial expressions

意思 can mean "meaning," but it can also indicate interestingness and other feelings.

Common Phrases

  • 意思yǒu yìsiinteresting
  • 没意思
  • 不好意思
  • 意思意思
  • 明白(你的)意思
  • 什么意思

Examples Sentences

  • 意思

意义 means "significance" in a serious way

意义 is much more focused and narrow. 没有意义 is, quite straightforwardly, "meaningless." You won't typically say something you don't mean with 意义 (although your conversations are likely to be much more serious).

Common Phrases

  • 人生 的 意义rénshēng de yìyìthe meaning of life
  • 没有 意义méiyǒu yìyìno meaning

Examples Sentences

  • 人生的意义
  • 没有意义

Sources and further reading


“意思”和“意义” https://m.iask.sina.com.cn/b/6eMFE0jjTa7.html