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* 右 <em>转 / 拐</em><span class="pinyin">yòu <em>zhuǎn / guǎi</em></span><span class="trans">to turn right</span>
* 右 <em>转 / 拐</em><span class="pinyin">yòu <em>zhuǎn / guǎi</em></span><span class="trans">turn right</span>
* 左 <em>转 / 拐</em><span class="pinyin">zuǒ <em>zhuǎn / guǎi</em></span><span class="trans">to turn left</span>
* 左 <em>转 / 拐</em><span class="pinyin">zuǒ <em>zhuǎn / guǎi</em></span><span class="trans">turn left</span>
* 往 右 <em>转 / 拐</em><span class="pinyin">wǎng yòu <em>zhuǎn / guǎi</em></span><span class="trans">to turn to the right</span>
* 往 右 <em>转 / 拐</em><span class="pinyin">wǎng yòu <em>zhuǎn / guǎi</em></span><span class="trans">to the right turn</span>
* 往 左 <em>转 / 拐</em><span class="pinyin">wǎng zuǒ <em>zhuǎn / guǎi</em></span><span class="trans">to turn to the left</span>
* 往 左 <em>转 / 拐</em><span class="pinyin">wǎng zuǒ <em>zhuǎn / guǎi</em></span><span class="trans">to the left turn</span>
* 向 右 <em>转 / 拐</em><span class="pinyin">xiàng yòu <em>zhuǎn / guǎi</em></span><span class="trans">to turn to the right</span>
* 向 右 <em>转 / 拐</em><span class="pinyin">xiàng yòu <em>zhuǎn / guǎi</em></span><span class="trans">to the right turn</span>
* 向 左 <em>转 / 拐</em><span class="pinyin">xiàng zuǒ <em>zhuǎn / guǎi</em></span><span class="trans">to turn to the left</span>
* 向 左 <em>转 / 拐</em><span class="pinyin">xiàng zuǒ <em>zhuǎn / guǎi</em></span><span class="trans">to the left turn</span>

Revision as of 03:07, 6 May 2022

拐 (guǎi) and 转 (zhuǎn) both are verbs that mean "to turn" and oftentimes can be used interchangeably. 转 is used in used in informal/formal situations, whereas 拐 is used in informal situations. We focus here on “to turn” when driving a car, walking, or giving directions.

拐 (guǎi) 转 (zhuǎn)
Meaning to turn to turn
Part of Speech verb verb
Formality informal flexible

To say to turn oftentimes both 拐 and 转 can be used interchangeably.

Common Phrases

In the following examples both 拐 and 转 can be used.

  • 转 / 拐yòu zhuǎn / guǎito turn right
  • 转 / 拐zuǒ zhuǎn / guǎito turn left
  • 往 右 转 / 拐wǎng yòu zhuǎn / guǎito turn to the right
  • 往 左 转 / 拐wǎng zuǒ zhuǎn / guǎito turn to the left
  • 向 右 转 / 拐xiàng yòu zhuǎn / guǎito turn to the right
  • 向 左 转 / 拐xiàng zuǒ zhuǎn / guǎito turn to the left

Example Sentences

  • 你 在 前 面 右 就 到 了。Nǐ zài qián miàn yòu guǎi jiù dào le.You are just ahead on the right.
  • 请 一直 走,然后 向 左 Qǐng yīzhí zǒu, ránhòu Xiàng zuǒ zhuǎn.Please keep going and turn left.
  • 这里 只 可以 右 ,不 可以 左 Zhèlǐ zhǐ kěyǐ yòu guǎi,bù kěyǐ zuǒ guǎi.You can only turn right here, not left.
  • 到 了 前 面 的 十字路口 然后 往 右 Dào le qián miàn de shízìlùkǒu ránhòu wǎng yòu zhuǎn.When you reach the crossroads ahead then turn right.

To say to turn in the sense of to shift or change the body’s position use 转

Common Phrases

In the following examples only 转 can be used.

  • 向 后 xiàng hòu zhuǎnturn backwards
  • zhuǎn shēnturn around
  • zhuǎn liǎnturn your face
  • zhuǎn tóuturn your head

Example Sentences

  • 请 你 现在 向 后 ,你 就 可以 看 到 我 了。Qǐng nǐ xiànzài xiàng hòu zhuǎn, nǐ jiù kěyǐ kàn dào wǒ le.Please turn backwards now so you can see me.
  • 我 刚 身,他 就 不见 了。Wǒ gāng zhuǎn shēn, tā jiù bùjiàn le.I just turned around and he was gone.
  • 她 说 完 这句 话 以后 就 脸 向 窗 外 看。Tā shuō wán zhèjù huà yǐhòu jiù zhuǎn liǎn xiàng chuāng wài kàn.She turned her face to look out of the window after she had said this.
  • 请 你 一下 头,否则 我 看 不到 你 的 脸。Qǐng nǐ zhuǎn yīxià tóu, fǒuzé wǒ kàn bùdào nǐ de liǎn.Please turn your head, otherwise I can't see your face.

Sources and further reading


"拐" 和 "转" 和有什么不一样? | HiNative https://zh.hinative.com/questions/18055423