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拐 and 转 both are verbs that mean to turn and oftentimes can be used interchangeably. 转 is used in used in informal/formal situations, whereas 拐 is used in informal situations. A key difference between these two is 转 is often used to say “turn” when driving a car on city streets or highways, while 拐 is often used to say “turn” when walking or riding a bike on narrow streets or small paths.
(guǎi) and 转 (zhuǎn) both are verbs that mean "to turn" and oftentimes can be used interchangeably. 转 is used in used in both informal and formal situations, whereas 拐 is used only in informal situations, more common in certain regions like Shanghai. We focus here on “to turn” when driving a car, walking, or giving directions.
{{SimilarWordsCol1|拐|guǎi|to turn|verb|informal}}
{{SimilarWordsCol1|拐|guǎi|to turn|verb|informal}}
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== To say to turn oftentimes both 拐 and 转 can be used interchangeably. ==
== Both 拐 and 转 can be used for "to turn" in directions ==
=== Common Phrases ===
=== Common Phrases ===
In the following examples both 拐 and 转 can be used.  
In the following examples both 拐 and 转 can be used. Remember that 拐 is informal and not commonly used everywhere in China.
<div class="liju dapei">
<div class="liju dapei">
* 右 转 / 拐<span class="pinyin">yòu zhuǎn / guǎi</span><span class="trans">to turn right</span>
* 左 转 / 拐<span class="pinyin">zuǒ zhuǎn / guǎi</span><span class="trans">to turn left</span>
* 往 右 转 / 拐<span class="pinyin">wǎng yòu zhuǎn / guǎi</span><span class="trans">to turn to the right</span>
* 往 左 转 / 拐<span class="pinyin">wǎng zuǒ zhuǎn / guǎi</span><span class="trans">to turn to the left</span>
* 向 右 转 / 拐<span class="pinyin">xiàng yòu zhuǎn / guǎi</span><span class="trans">to turn to the right</span>
* 向 左 转 / 拐<span class="pinyin">xiàng zuǒ zhuǎn / guǎi</span><span class="trans">to turn to the left</span>
=== Example Sentences ===
<div class="liju">
* 右 <em>转 / 拐</em><span class="pinyin">yòu <em>zhuǎn / guǎi</em></span><span class="trans">turn right</span>
* 你 在 前面 <strong></strong> <em>拐</em> 就 到 了。<span class="pinyin">Nǐ zài qiánmiàn <strong>yòu</strong> <em>guǎi</em> jiù dào le.</span><span class="trans">Turn right up ahead and you're there.</span>
* 左 <em>转 / 拐</em><span class="pinyin">zuǒ <em>zhuǎn / guǎi</em></span><span class="trans">turn left</span>
* 请 一直 走,然后 <strong>向 </strong> <em>转</em><span class="pinyin">Qǐng yīzhí zǒu, ránhòu <strong>xiàng zuǒ</strong> <em>zhuǎn</em>.</span><span class="trans">Please go straight and then turn to the left.</span>
* 右 <em>/ 拐</em><span class="pinyin">wǎng yòu <em>zhuǎn / guǎi</em></span><span class="trans">to the right turn</span>
* 这里 只 可以 <strong></strong> <em>拐</em>,不 可以 <strong>左</strong> <em>拐</em><span class="pinyin">Zhèlǐ zhǐ kěyǐ <strong>yòu</strong> <em>guǎi</em>,bù kěyǐ <strong>zuǒ</strong> <em>guǎi</em>.</span><span class="trans">You can only turn right here, not left.</span>
* 往 <em>转 / 拐</em><span class="pinyin">wǎng zuǒ <em>zhuǎn / guǎi</em></span><span class="trans">to the left turn</span>
* 到 了 前面 的 十字路口 <strong>右</strong> <em>转</em><span class="pinyin">Dào le qiánmiàn de shízìlùkǒu <strong>wǎng yòu</strong> <em>zhuǎn</em>.</span><span class="trans">When you reach the intersection ahead turn right.</span>
* 右 <em>转 / </em><span class="pinyin">xiàng yòu <em>zhuǎn / guǎi</em></span><span class="trans">to the right turn</span>
* 请问,电影院 是 <strong>往 </strong> <em>转</em> 还是 <strong>往 左</strong> <em>转</em><span class="pinyin">Qǐngwèn, diànyǐngyuàn shì <strong> wǎng yòu </strong> <em> zhuǎn </em> háishì <strong> wǎng zuǒ </strong> <em> zhuǎn </em>?</span><span class="trans">Excuse me, is the cinema to the right or to the left?</span>
* 左 <em>转 / 拐</em><span class="pinyin">xiàng zuǒ <em>zhuǎn / guǎi</em></span><span class="trans">to the left turn</span>
* 你 从 那个 咖啡 店 <strong></strong> <em>拐</em> ,就 能 看到 我 了。 <span class="pinyin">Nǐ cóng nàge kāfēidiàn <strong> zuǒ </strong> <em> guǎi </em>, jiù néng kàn dào wǒ le.</span><span class="trans">If you turn left from the coffee shop, you will see me.</span>
== To say to turn in the sense of to shift or change the body’s position use 转 ==
== Use 转 for shifts or changes the body’s position ==
=== Common Phrases ===
=== Common Phrases ===
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<div class="liju dapei">
<div class="liju dapei">
* 向 后 <em></em><span class="pinyin">xiàng hòu <em>zhuǎn</em></span><span class="trans">turn backwards</span>
* 向 后 转<span class="pinyin">xiàng hòu zhuǎn</span><span class="trans">turn around (facing backwards)</span>
* <em></em> 身<span class="pinyin"><em>zhuǎn</em> shēn</span><span class="trans">turn around</span>
* 转 身<span class="pinyin">zhuǎn shēn</span><span class="trans">turn (one's whole body) around</span>
* <em></em> 脸<span class="pinyin"><em>zhuǎn</em> liǎn</span><span class="trans">turn your face</span>
* 转 脸<span class="pinyin">zhuǎn liǎn</span><span class="trans">turn one's face</span>
* <em></em> 头<span class="pinyin"><em>zhuǎn</em> tóu</span><span class="trans">turn your head</span>
* 转 头<span class="pinyin">zhuǎn tóu</span><span class="trans">turn one's head</span>
== To say “a good turn” as in a change for the better use 转.  ==
=== Example Sentences ===
=== Common Phrases ===
<div class="liju">
In the following examples only 转 can be used.  
* 请 你 现在 <strong>向 后</strong> <em></em>,你 就 可以 看 到 我 了。<span class="pinyin">Qǐng nǐ xiànzài <strong>xiàng hòu</strong> <em>zhuǎn</em>, nǐ jiù kěyǐ kàn dào wǒ le.</span><span class="trans">Please turn to face backwards now so that you can see me.</span>
* 我 刚 <em>转</em> <strong>身</strong>,他 就 不见 了。<span class="pinyin">Wǒ gāng <em>zhuǎn</em> <strong>shēn</strong>, tā jiù bùjiàn le.</span><span class="trans">I just turned around and he was gone.</span>
<div class="liju dapei">
* 她 说 完 这句 话 以后 就 <em>转</em> <strong>脸</strong> 向 窗 外 看。<span class="pinyin">Tā shuō wán zhèjù huà yǐhòu jiù <em>zhuǎn</em> <strong>liǎn</strong> xiàng chuāng wài kàn.</span><span class="trans">After she said it, she turned her face to look out the window.</span>
* 请 你 <em>转</em> 一下 <strong>头</strong>,否则 我 看 不到 你 的 脸。<span class="pinyin">Qǐng nǐ <em>zhuǎn</em> yīxià <strong>tóu</strong>, fǒuzé wǒ kàn bùdào nǐ de liǎn.</span><span class="trans">Please turn your head, otherwise I can't see your face.</span>
* 好 <em>转</em><span class="pinyin">hǎo <em>zhuǎn</em></span><span class="trans">good change</span>
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=== Websites ===
=== Websites ===
"拐" 和 "转" 和有什么不一样? | HiNative
* [https://zh.hinative.com/questions/18055423 "拐" 和 "转" 和有什么不一样? ] (HiNative)

Latest revision as of 04:16, 6 May 2022

拐 (guǎi) and 转 (zhuǎn) both are verbs that mean "to turn" and oftentimes can be used interchangeably. 转 is used in used in both informal and formal situations, whereas 拐 is used only in informal situations, more common in certain regions like Shanghai. We focus here on “to turn” when driving a car, walking, or giving directions.

拐 (guǎi) 转 (zhuǎn)
Meaning to turn to turn
Part of Speech verb verb
Formality informal flexible

Both 拐 and 转 can be used for "to turn" in directions

Common Phrases

In the following examples both 拐 and 转 can be used. Remember that 拐 is informal and not commonly used everywhere in China.

  • 右 转 / 拐yòu zhuǎn / guǎito turn right
  • 左 转 / 拐zuǒ zhuǎn / guǎito turn left
  • 往 右 转 / 拐wǎng yòu zhuǎn / guǎito turn to the right
  • 往 左 转 / 拐wǎng zuǒ zhuǎn / guǎito turn to the left
  • 向 右 转 / 拐xiàng yòu zhuǎn / guǎito turn to the right
  • 向 左 转 / 拐xiàng zuǒ zhuǎn / guǎito turn to the left

Example Sentences

  • 你 在 前面 就 到 了。Nǐ zài qiánmiàn yòu guǎi jiù dào le.Turn right up ahead and you're there.
  • 请 一直 走,然后 向 左 Qǐng yīzhí zǒu, ránhòu xiàng zuǒ zhuǎn.Please go straight and then turn to the left.
  • 这里 只 可以 ,不 可以 Zhèlǐ zhǐ kěyǐ yòu guǎi,bù kěyǐ zuǒ guǎi.You can only turn right here, not left.
  • 到 了 前面 的 十字路口 往 右 Dào le qiánmiàn de shízìlùkǒu wǎng yòu zhuǎn.When you reach the intersection ahead turn right.
  • 请问,电影院 是 往 右 还是 往 左 Qǐngwèn, diànyǐngyuàn shì wǎng yòu zhuǎn háishì wǎng zuǒ zhuǎn ?Excuse me, is the cinema to the right or to the left?
  • 你 从 那个 咖啡 店 ,就 能 看到 我 了。 Nǐ cóng nàge kāfēidiàn zuǒ guǎi , jiù néng kàn dào wǒ le.If you turn left from the coffee shop, you will see me.

Use 转 for shifts or changes the body’s position

Common Phrases

In the following examples only 转 can be used.

  • 向 后 转xiàng hòu zhuǎnturn around (facing backwards)
  • 转 身zhuǎn shēnturn (one's whole body) around
  • 转 脸zhuǎn liǎnturn one's face
  • 转 头zhuǎn tóuturn one's head

Example Sentences

  • 请 你 现在 向 后 ,你 就 可以 看 到 我 了。Qǐng nǐ xiànzài xiàng hòu zhuǎn, nǐ jiù kěyǐ kàn dào wǒ le.Please turn to face backwards now so that you can see me.
  • 我 刚 ,他 就 不见 了。Wǒ gāng zhuǎn shēn, tā jiù bùjiàn le.I just turned around and he was gone.
  • 她 说 完 这句 话 以后 就 向 窗 外 看。Tā shuō wán zhèjù huà yǐhòu jiù zhuǎn liǎn xiàng chuāng wài kàn.After she said it, she turned her face to look out the window.
  • 请 你 一下 ,否则 我 看 不到 你 的 脸。Qǐng nǐ zhuǎn yīxià tóu, fǒuzé wǒ kàn bùdào nǐ de liǎn.Please turn your head, otherwise I can't see your face.

Sources and further reading
