Comparing "bangmang" and "bangzhu"

帮忙 (bāngmáng) and 帮助 (bāngzhù) both are verbs that mean to help and can sometimes be used interchangeably. 帮忙 is used in informal settings, whereas 帮助 is used in both informal and formal contexts. Only 帮忙 is used in the sense of lending a hand or doing a favor, and is composed of the verb 帮 plus the object 忙 (this is called a separable verb). A final difference is only 帮助 can be followed by an object (usually a person or pronoun) or used as a noun.

帮忙 (bāngmáng) 帮助 (bāngzhù)
Meaning to lend a hand, to do a favor to help; help
Part of Speech verb verb, noun
Formality informal flexible

帮忙 (bāngmáng) is used informally to mean "help out"

帮忙 is informal and is used frequently in spoken Mandarin to request or offer some assistance. Because 帮忙 is a separable verb, the 帮 part is the verb and the 忙 part is a noun (meaning something like "a favor"). Since separable verbs can be separated, you're going to see all kinds of variations and patterns using 帮忙.

帮帮忙 帮个忙 帮不了忙 帮不帮忙 帮过忙

帮助 is not a separable verb.

帮助 (bāngzhù) is a verb and can be followed by an object


帮忙 cannot be followed by an object, since 忙 is already the object of 帮.

帮助 (bāngzhù) is also a noun

  • 谢谢 你 的 帮助Xièxie nǐ de jbāngzhù.Thank you for your help.
  • 在 大家 的 帮助 下,我 按时 完成 了 这个 任务。Zài dàjiā de jbāngzhù xià, wǒ ànshí wánchéng le zhège rènwu.With everyone's help I was able to finish this on time.
  • 如果 没有 你 的 帮助 ,我 可能 会 迟到。Rúguǒ méiyǒu nǐ de jbāngzhù , wǒ kěnéng huì chídào.Without your help, I would have been late.
  • 今天 的 中文 课 对 我 的 帮助 很 大。Zài dàjiā de jbāngzhù xià, wǒ ànshí wánchéng le zhège rènwu.The Chinese lesson today helped me a lot.
  • 我 非常 感激 你 的 批评 和 帮助Wǒ fēicháng gǎnjī nǐ de pīpíng hé jbāngzhù.I am very grateful for your criticism and help.
  • 你们 比 我们 更 需要 帮助Nǐmen bǐ wǒmen gèng xūyào jbāngzhù .You need help more than we do.
  • 我 刚刚 来 中国,在 生活 上 你们 可以 提供 哪些 帮助Wǒ gānggāng lái Zhōngguó, zài shēnghuó shàng nǐmen kěyǐ tígōng nǎxiē jbāngzhù ?I have just arrived in China, what help can you provide in terms of living?
  • 你 这样 做 对 我 一点 帮助 也 没有。Nǐ zhèyàng zuò duì wǒ yīdiǎn jbāngzhù yě méiyǒu.You're not helping me at all by doing this.
  • 当 你 需要 帮助 的 时候,请 记得 给 我 打 电话。Dāng nǐ xūyào jbāngzhù de shíhou, qǐng jìde gěi wǒ dǎ diànhuà.When you need help, please remember to call me.
  • 在 你 的 老家 有没有 需要 帮助 的 朋友?Zài nǐ de lǎojiā yǒuméiyǒu xūyào jbāngzhù de péngyou?Do you have any friends in your hometown who need help?
