While both 穿 (chuān) and 戴 (dài) mean “to wear” or “to put on” the body, different types of clothing or accessories use either 穿 (chuān) or 戴 (dài), but not both. These are set patterns and the two verbs are not interchangeable.
穿 (chuān) | 戴 (dài) | |
Meaning | to wear | to wear |
Part of Speech | verb | verb |
Formality | flexible | flexible |
穿 (chuān) means "to wear" and is used for shirts, pants, shoes, socks
穿 (chuān) literally means "to pierce," and when used for clothing, it means that your body is "going through" the clothing in some way. This is especially true for shirts and pants. For shoes and socks, Your feet "go through" the shoes or socks, but don't come out on the other side. It still counts. Jackets, coats, vests all work like shorts and use 穿 (chuān) as well.
The following collocations using 穿 (chuān) are fixed:
- 穿 衣服 to wear clothes
- 穿 裤子 to wear pants
- 穿 裙子 to wear a skirt or dress
- 穿 鞋子 to wear shoes
- 穿 袜子 to wear socks
戴 (dài) means "to wear" and is used for all kinds of accessories
When an article of clothing or an accessorie simply sits on the body (like a hat or eyeglasses), wraps around it (like a belt or a scarf), or hangs from it (like an earring or a bracelet), the appropriate verb is 戴 (dài). Gloves and rings may seem to work like socks, which use 穿 (chuān), but both of those actually use .
Note that this is a different verb from the 带 (dài) that means "to carry," although it is pronounced identically.
The following collocations using 戴 (dài) are fixed:
- 戴 眼镜 to wear glasses
- 戴 手套 to wear gloves
- 戴 帽子 to wear a hat
- 戴 手表 to wear a watch
- 戴 口罩 to wear a mask
- 戴 戒指 to wear a ring
- 戴 项链 to wear a necklace
- 戴 领带 to wear a tie
- 戴 耳机 to wear headphones
- 戴 耳环 to wear earrings
- 戴 手表 to wear a watch
Example sentences using 穿 (chuān) and 戴 (dài)
Note that the two verbs can be used together in a sentence, but the objects are not interchangeable.
- 你不想穿袜子的话可以穿凉鞋。
- 你穿这个裙子的话,应该戴这个项链。
请看这篇文章下面的评论: 《新华字典》中有明确的解释,在穿戴相关性上,穿是指“把衣服鞋袜等套在身上”,戴是指“加在头、面、颈、手等处”,即“穿”的是主要的、必需的,而“戴”的是次要的、装饰的,汉字的魅力在此可见一斑。所以,外套毛衣、背心短裤,脚下的袜子、鞋子都是穿上的,首饰珠宝、手表眼镜、帽子围巾,甚至手铐脚镣、鼻环假睫毛都是用戴。