帮 (bāng) and 帮助 (bāngzhù) both are verbs that mean to help or to assist. 帮 (bāng) is used in informal settings or together with other action verbs, whereas 帮助 (bāngzhù) is used in informal or formal settings. While both words can often be used interchangeably, there are set patterns and phrases can only use 帮 (bāng) or 帮助 (bāngzhù).
帮 (bāng) | 帮助 (bāngzhù) | |
Meaning | to help; for | to help; help |
Part of Speech | verb | verb |
Formality | informal | flexible |
Informally, 帮 (bāng) can mean "to help" as a verb
只有帮可以这么使用“帮一帮我”, “帮帮我“
Example Sentences
- 我 今天 太 忙 了,你 可以 帮 我 一下 吗?I'm too busy today, can you help me out?
- 帮帮 我 吧!我 实在 没有 别的 办法 了。Help me out! There is really nothing else I can do.
- 帮帮 那个 孩子 吧!他 已经 两 天 没有 吃 东西 了。Help the boy! He hasn't eaten anything for two days.
- 请 你 帮 一 帮 我,否则 我 今天 就 来不及 完成 这个 工作 了。Please give me a hand or I won't be able to finish this in time today.
- 谁 可以 帮帮 这个 老人?这个 老人 需要 马上 送 医院。Who can help this old man? This old man needs to be taken to hospital immediately.
- 我 做 不 好,请 帮帮 我。I can't do it right, please help me.
- 他 还是 个 孩子,你 去 帮帮 他 吧。He is still a child, go and help him.
- 有 一 件 事 我们 的 老板 想 请 你 帮帮 他。There is one thing our boss would like you to help him with.
- 我 当时 只是 想 帮 一 帮 朋友,其他 别的 事情 什么 都 没 想。I was just trying to help a friend, I didn't think about anything else.
- 你 每天 回 到 家 不 应该 什么 家务 都 不 做,你 应该 帮帮 你 的 老婆。You shouldn't come home every day and not do anything around the house, you should help your wife.
帮助 (bāngzhù) can mean both "to help" as a verb and "help" as a noun"
帮 (bāng) can be used with action verbs
In this case, 帮 means something like "for." 帮助 is not used in this way.
Example Sentences
- 我 今天 太 累 了,你 帮 我 把 这些 文件 整理 一下 吧。I'm too tired today, why don't you help me sort out these papers.
- 我 正在 开会,你 让 小王 帮 你 搬 一下 桌子 吧。I'm in a meeting, so you can ask Xiao Wang to help you move your desk.
- 如果 你 不 好意思 打 电话 给 她 的话,我 帮 你 打 电话 给 她。If you're too embarrassed to call her, I'll call her for you.
- 我 刚才 帮 你 下载 了 一 个 新 的 软件,下次 你 可以 用 这个 软件 来 编辑 文件。I have just downloaded a new software for you, you can use it to edit the documents next time.
- 我 今天 太 忙 了,你 可以 帮 我 一下 吗?I'm too busy today, can you help me out?
- 我 觉得 我 可以 帮 你 解决 这个 问题。I think I can help you with that.
- 你 现在 有 时间 帮 我 复习 中文 吗?Do you have time to help me with my Chinese now?
- 你 的 手 流血 了,我 帮 你 包扎 一下。Your hand is bleeding, let me bandage it for you.
- 这个 星期天 你 可以 帮 我 照看 一下 我 的 狗 吗?Can you look after my dog for me this Sunday?
- 今天 王 老师 认真地 帮 我 分析 了 我 做 错 题 的 原因。Today Teacher Wang carefully helped me to analyse the reasons why I got the questions wrong.