Comparing "gan" and "zuo"B1/HSK4

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干 (gàn) and 做 (zuò) are both verbs that mean "to do" as in "to do work" or "to have nothing to do." 做 can be used in both formal and informal settings, whereas 干 is used more often in informal speech and writing. A key difference between these words is that 做 also can mean "to make," whereas 干 does not have any similar usage.

干 (gàn) 做 (zuò)
Meaning to do to do, to make
Part of Speech verb verb
Formality informal flexible

干 has some common informal set phrases

These phrases are common in informal speech and writing (such as on WeChat), so you should really know them.

Common Phrases

  • gàn huóto work
  • gàn mato do what

Example Sentences

  • 你 在 干吗?我 想 请 你 帮 我 一 个 忙。 Nǐ zài gànmá ? wǒ xiǎng qǐng nǐ bāng wǒ yī gè máng.What are you doing? I'd like to ask you to do me a favor.
  • 过 很 多 活儿,但是 都 是 体力 活儿。 gàn guo hěn duō huór , dànshì dōu shì tǐlì huór.I've done a lot of work, but it's all manual labor.
  • 自行车 被 偷 了,这 是 他 的,不 是 我 的。 Zìxíngchē bèi tōu le, zhè shì tā gàn de, bù shì wǒ gàn de.The bike was stolen. It was his doing, not mine.
  • 我 是 一 个 快递员,每天 要 十二 个 小时 的 活儿,很 累。 Wǒ shì yī gè kuàidì yuán, měi tiān yào gàn shí'èr gè xiǎoshí de huór , hěn lèi.I'm a courier and I work twelve hours a day. It's very tiring.
  • 有时候 孩子 很 努力 帮 我们 干活 , 我 会 奖励 他 一个 巧克力 。 Yǒu shíhou háizi hěn nǔlì bāng wǒmen gànhuó , wǒ huì jiǎnglì tā yī gè qiǎokèlì.Sometimes the kid works really hard to help us out. I reward him with a chocolate.

做 meaning "to do" has some common set phrases

Common Phrases

  • 作业 zuò zuòyèto do homework
  • 运动 zuò yùndòngto do exercises
  • 测试 zuò cèshìto take a test
  • 手术 zuò shǒushùto have surgery; to perform surgery

Example Sentences

  • 最近 我 每天 都 运动Zuìjìn wǒ měi tiān dōu zuò yùndòng.I've been doing exercise every day lately.
  • 我 没有 作业Wǒ méiyǒu zuò zuòyè.I haven't done the homework.
  • 我 昨天 手术Wǒ zuótiān zuò le shǒushù.I had surgery yesterday.
  • 瑜伽 可以 帮助 你 放松 心情 。 Zuò yújiā kěyǐ bāngzhù nǐ fàngsōng xīnqíng.Doing yoga helps you to relax your mind.
  • 因为 有 疫情,所以 我 需要 核酸 测试Yīnwèi yǒu yìqíng, suǒyǐ wǒ xūyào zuò hésuān cèshì .Because of the pandemic I had to do a nucleic acid test.

做 and 干 are often interchangeable

Just keep in mind that 干 is only suitable for informal language. Don't replace a 做 with 干 in a formal setting!

Common Phrases

  • 做 什么 / 干 什么 zuò shénme/gàn shénmeto do what

Example Sentences

  • 这 是 你  的 吗 ? Zhè shì nǐ gàn de ma?Did you do this?
  • 你 是 什么 的? asking about someone's jobNǐ shì zuò shénme de?What do you do?
  • 你 周末 准备  什么Nǐ zhōumò zhǔnbèi gàn shénme?What are you going to do on the weekend?
  • 我 相信 你们 , 但 这 件 不 能 这样  。 Wǒ xiāngxìn nǐmen, dàn zhè jiàn shì bù néng zhèyàng zuò.I trust you, but we can't do it this way.

做 can mean "to make"

Only 做 can be used in this way, and not 干.

Common Phrases

  • 做 计划zuò jìhuàto make plans
  • 做 决定 zuò juédìngto make decisions
  • 做爱 zuò'àito make love

Example Sentences

  • 这 件 事情 需要 你 自己 决定Zhè jiàn shìqing xūyào nǐ zìjǐ zuò juédìng .You need to make this decision on your own.
  • 每 次 去 旅游,我 都 会 计划Měi cì qù lǚyóu, wǒ dōu huì zuò jìhuà .Every time I go traveling, I make a plan.
  • 你们 只 是 朋友 吗?你们 有 没有 Nǐmen zhǐ shì péngyou ma? Nǐmen yǒu méiyǒu zuò guo ài?Are you just friends? Have you ever made love?

做 can mean "to be"

Only 做 can be used in this way, and not 干.

Common Phrases

  • 朋友 zuò péngyouto be friends
  • 医生 zuò yīshēngto be a doctor

Example Sentences

  • 长大 以后,父母 希望 我 一 个 医生Zhǎngdà yǐhòu, fùmǔ xīwàng wǒ zuò yī gè yīshēng.My parents hope I become a doctor when I grow up.
  • 我 不 想 和 你 朋友Wǒ bù xiǎng hé nǐ zuò péngyou.I don't want to be friends with you.

Sources and further reading
