改 (gǎi) and 改变 (gǎibiàn) are both verbs that mean “to change” and can sometimes be used interchangeably. 改 is used in informal situations, whereas 改变 can be used in both informal and formal contexts. A key difference between these words is that 改 can also mean to "correct" or "to rectify" a mistake. Furthermore, only 改变 can also be used as a noun.
改 (gǎi) | 改变 (gǎibiàn) | |
Meaning | to change, to correct | to change; a change |
Part of Speech | verb | verb, noun |
Formality | informal | flexible |
Use 改 to mean "to change"
Just remember that the verb 改 is informal.
改 can have a "to adjust" nuance
In the following examples, you'll see that 改 involves a small adjustment or alteration. 改变 feels grander and more permanent, and would not be natural in these cases.
- 改 时间to change the time
- 改 地方to change the location
- 改 机票to change a ticket
- 改 信息to change information
- 我 今天 没有 时间 上课,我们 可以 改 时间 吗? I don't have time for class today. Can we change the time?
- 我 可以 改 一下 明天 的 开会 时间 吗 ? Can I change the time of tomorrow's meeting?
- 聚会 的 地方 改 了,你 知道 吗? The party location has changed. Are you aware?
- 几 年 之间,家乡 完全 改 了 样子 了。 In a few years, my hometown has completely changed in appearance.
- 这里 可以 改 订单 信息 , 比如 你 的 地址 。 Here you can change the order details, such as your address.
- 她 比较 了 机票 的 价格 , 然后 改 了 机票 。 She compared the price of the tickets and changed them.
改 means “to correct"
When something is wrong and needs to be corrected, you can use 改 (often with a complement; see below), but not 改变.
- 这个 错 的 句子 应该 怎么 改 ? How should I fix this incorrect sentence?
- 我 改 了 我 的 坏 习惯 。 I have corrected my bad habits.
- 写 错的 字 都 改 了 。 I've corrected all the words I wrote wrong.
- 合同 里面 有 个 小 问题,你 可以 帮 我 改 一下 吗? There is a small problem in the contract, can you help me correct it?
改 can be followed by complements
Especially in cases when 改 means “to correct," 改。can be followed by a complement.
Examples of 改 + complement
- 改 好to correct
- 改 短to make shorter
- 改 完to finish updating
Example Sentences
- 这个 写 错 的 句子 改 好 了 吗? Have you corrected this incorrect sentence?
- 这个 裤子 太 长 了 , 可以 改 短 一点 吗 ? The pants are too long, can you make it shorter?
- 请 等 一下,这 篇 文章 我 马上 就 改 完 了。 Please wait a moment. I'm almost finished updating the article.
改变 is often a verb
Although 改变 is more formal than 改, in all of the following sentences, 改变 could be changed to 改, since all are verb uses.
Common Phrases
- 改变 计划 to change the plan
- 改变 主意to change one's mindlit. "to change one's idea"
- 改变 方式 to change the manner
- 改变 态度 to change one's attitude
- 改变 政策 to change the policy
Example Sentences
- 周末 天气 不 好 , 所以 我 改变 了 我的 计划 。 The weather won't be good over the weekend, so I changed my plans.
- 手机 改变 了 大家 的 生活 方式 。 Cell phones have changed the way people live.
- 我 改变 了 我 的 想法 。 I've changed my thinking.
- 最近 , 经理 对 我的 态度 改变 了 很多 。 Recently, my manager's attitude towards me has changed a lot.
- 大家 都 希望 政府 能 改变 政策 。 We all hope that the government will change its policy.
改变 can also be a noun
- 这几年 上海 有 很 大 的 改变 。 These past few years Shanghai has changed a lot.
- 家长 和 老师 也 没有 经历 过 这种 教育 系统 的 改变 。 Parents and teachers have not experienced this kind of change in the education system.
- 她 说 了 以后 , 她 的 工作 方法 还是 没有 改变。 After she said that, her working methods remained unchanged.