做 (zuò) and 作 (zuò) are both verbs that can be easily confused because both mean “to do” and are pronounced identically. While these both mean “to do,” the use of these two words is different and rarely interchangeable. 做 is used very commonly in both in both informal and formal contexts, whereas 作 is used only in specific formal situations.
做 (zuò) | 作 (zuò) | |
Meaning | to do (work), to make (food, friends) | (mostly for parts of other words) |
Part of Speech | verb | verb |
Formality | flexible | formal |
Use 做 "to do" work with your hands or "to make" things
Common Phrases
In the following examples only 做 can be used.
- 做 饭
- 做 生意
- 做 运动
- 做 工作
Example Sentences
- 我不常点外卖,经常自己做饭。
- 今天的作业我做完了。
- 做运动让人心情很愉快。
- 我今天做了一天工作。
- 你平常喜欢做什么?
Use 做 to say "make friends"
做朋友 is one of the few common abstract uses of 做, where there's nothing physical actually being made.
- 因为我喜欢你,所以我不想和你做朋友。
Use 做 for “to be” certain roles
Common Phrases
- 做妈妈
- 做老师
- 做律师
Example Sentences
- 她有了自己的孩子,她做妈妈了。
- 你是做什么的?
- 我的朋友是做律师的。
- 他做了十年老师了。
Use 作 "to do" a thought-out or abstract undertaking
- 作报告
- 作测试
- 作比较
- 作回应
- 作演讲
Common Phrases
In the following examples only 作 can be used. You'll notice that these are not super-common phrases.
“作”偏正式, 从语义内容来看:“作”表示的动作性不强,意义比较抽象、泛化;“做”表示的动作性强,意义比较具体、实在。 “作”和别的词放在一起,看起来更像一个词,不是词组
- 看作
- 作出
- 作弊
- 作案
Example Sentences
- 例句
- 例句
- 例句
- 例句
- 例句
作 is also used in some common nouns
作 is also commonly used as part of some words, but it's not a verb in these cases:
- 作者
- 作文