Comparing "jia" and "jiating"B1/HSK5

家 (jiā) and 家庭 (jiātíng) are similar in that both are nouns that refer to "family." 家 is used most often in informal contexts and is usually translated as "home," or sometimes "family." 家庭 is more formal and often translated as "household." Additionally, 家 has much wider usage and is commonly used as a measure word.

家 (jiā) 家庭 (jiātíng)
Meaning home, family household, family
Part of Speech noun, measure word noun
Formality informal formal

Use 家 for "home"

Example Sentences

  • 地铁 站 离 我  很 近 。 Dìtiě zhàn lí wǒ jiā hěn jìn.The subway station is very close to my home.
  • 我 每 天 在  吃 晚饭 。 Wǒ měi tiān zài jiā chī wǎnfàn.I eat dinner at home every day.
  • 上 个 周末 我 去 朋友 了 。 Shàng gè zhōumò wǒ qù péngyou jiā le.Last weekend I went to a friend's home.
  • 我 现在 在 办公。 Wǒ xiànzài zài jiā bàngōng.I work from home now.
  • 从  到 人民广场 , 我 走 了 一 个 半 小时 。 Cóng jiā dào Rénmín Guǎngchǎng, wǒ zǒu le yī gè bàn xiǎoshí.From my home to People's Square I walked for half an hour.

Use 家庭 for "household"

You'll notice that these uses are more formal.

Common Phrases

Even though 家庭 means "household" by itself, as a part of many common phrases, the word "family" is more natural.

  • 家庭 医生 jiātíng yīshēngfamily doctor
  • 家庭 教育 jiātíng jiàoyùfamily education
  • 家庭 主妇 jiātíng zhǔfùhousewife
  • 家庭 聚会 jiātíng jùhuìfamily gatherings

Example Sentences

  • 我 有 一 个 大 家庭 。 Wǒ yǒu yī gè dà jiātíng .I have a big family.
  • 因为 家庭 的 原因 , 我 辞职 了 。 Yīnwèi jiātíng de yuányīn, wǒ cízhí le.For family reasons, I quit my job.
  • 你 觉得 事业 和 家庭 哪个 更 重要 ? Nǐ juéde shìyè hé jiātíng nǎge gèng zhòngyào?Which do you think is more important, your career or your family?
  • 我 觉得 你 的 运气 很 好 , 有 非常 好 的 工作 , 也 有 幸福 的 家庭 。 Wǒ juéde nǐ de yùnqi hěn hǎo, yǒu fēicháng hǎo de gōngzuò, yě yǒu xìngfú de jiātíng .I think you are very lucky to have a very good job and a happy family.
  • 他 是 一 个 有名 的 家庭 医生Tā shì yī gè yǒumíng de jiātíng yīshēng .He is a famous family doctor.
  • 她 以前 是 一 个 家庭 主妇,但是 现在 去 工作 了。 Tā yǐqián shì yī gè jiātíng zhǔfù , dànshì xiànzài qù gōngzuò le.She used to be a housewife, but now she's gone to work.
  • 上个 星期 我们 一家人 跟 另 一 个 家庭 一起 庆祝 了 感恩节 。 Shàng gè xīngqī wǒmen yījiā rén gēn lìng yī gè jiātíng yīqǐ qìngzhù le Gǎnēnjié.Last week we celebrated Thanksgiving as a family with another family.
  • 家庭 教育 也 很 重要。 jiātíng jiàoyù yě hěn zhòngyào.Family education is also very important.

Only 家 can be a measure word

Common Phrases

  • 餐厅 zhè jiā cāntīngthis restaurant
  • 咖啡馆 jiā kāfēiguǎna cafe
  • 工厂 jiā gōngchǎngthat factory
  • 医院 jiā yīyuàna hospital
  • 宾馆 jiā bīnguǎna hotel

Example Sentences

  • 这  餐厅 的 菜 价格 很 高。 Zhè jiā cāntīng de cài jiàgé hěn gāo.The food at this restaurant is very expensive.
  • 这  公司 成立 于 2020 年 。 Zhè jiā gōngsī chénglì yú 2020 nián.The company was founded in 2020.
  • 那   的 火锅 很 好吃 。 jiā diàn de huǒguō hěn hǎochī.The hot pot is very good.
  • 我 常 去 这 咖啡馆,这 家 的 咖啡 很 好喝。 Wǒ cháng qù zhè jiā kāfēiguǎn , zhè jiā de kāfēi hěn hǎohē.I often go to this cafe, and the coffee is very good.
  • 你 知道 在 上海 有 多少 医院 吗? Nǐ zhīdào zài Shànghǎi yǒu duōshǎo jiā yīyuàn ma?Do you know how many hospitals there are in Shanghai?

Sources and further reading
