Comparing the two "zuo"B1/HSK4

做 (zuò) and 作 (zuò) are both verbs that can be easily confused because both mean “to do” and are pronounced identically. While these both mean “to do,” the use of these two words is different and rarely interchangeable. 做 is used very commonly both in informal and formal contexts, whereas 作 is used only in specific formal situations.

做 (zuò) 作 (zuò)
Meaning to do (work), to make (food, friends) (mostly for parts of other words)
Part of Speech verb verb
Formality flexible formal

Use 做 "to do" work or "to make" things

Common Phrases

In the following examples only 做 can be used.

  • 做 饭
  • 做 生意
  • 做 运动
  • 做 工作

Example Sentences

  • 我不常点外卖,经常自己做饭。
  • 今天的作业我做完了。
  • 做运动让人心情很愉快。
  • 我今天做了一天工作。
  • 你平常喜欢做什么?

Use 做 for “to be” certain roles

Common Phrases

  • 做妈妈
  • 做老师
  • 做律师
  • 做朋友

Example Sentences

  • 她有了自己的孩子,她做妈妈了。
  • 你是做什么的?
  • 我的朋友是做律师的。
  • 他做了十年老师了。

Use 作 only as parts of other words

作 as a standalone word used to be more common

It's true that 作 was once more commonly used instead of 做. You might see stuff like this:

  • 报告zuò bàogàoto make a report
  • 测试zuò cèshìto take a test
  • 比较zuò bǐjiàoto make comparisons
  • 回应zuò huíyìngto respond
  • 演讲zuò yǎnjiǎngto make a presentation

But nowadays 做 is preferred for all of these uses. You might see 作, but you don't need to use it yourself.

Example Sentences

  • 那个 正在 报告 的 人 是 谁?Nàge zhèngzài zuò zuò bàogào de rén shì shéi?Who is the person who is making the report?
  • 我们 明天 要 给 这个 新 的 系统 一 次 测试。Wǒmen míngtiān yào gěi zhège xīn de xìtǒng zuò yī cì cèshì.We are giving this new system a test tomorrow.

作 is most commonly seen as part of other words

In the following examples only 作 can be used, but it's not a standalone word here, it's simply a building block (called a morpheme in linguistics).

  • gōng zuòwork
  • zuòassignments
  • zuò wénessay
  • zuò zhěwriter
  • zuòto cheat
  • zuò ànto commit a crime

Example Sentences

Sources and further reading
