Comparing "changchang" and "jingchang"A2/HSK2

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NEW Version

Both 常常 (chángcháng) and 经常 (jīngcháng) are used to mean often or frequently. In most circumstances, 常常 (chángcháng) and 经常 (jīngcháng) can be used interchangeably. Both can be used in formal and informal settings. The difference between these two is 常常 (chángcháng) emphasizes usually, whereas 经常 (jīngcháng) emphasizes habitually or routinely.

常常 (chángcháng) 经常 (jīngcháng)
Meaningemphasizes usuallyemphasizes habitually or routinely
Part of Speechadverbadverb (mostly)

To emphasize that something usually happens use 常常 (chángcháng)

Common Phrases

Again, to emphasize something usually happens use 常常 (chángcháng).

  • 常常 生病 chángcháng shēngbìng usually get sick
  • 常常 锻炼身体 chángcháng duànliàn shēntǐ usually workout
  • 常常 看电视 chángcháng kàndiànshì usually watch TV
  • 常常 玩电脑 chángcháng wán diànnǎo usually play on the computer

Example Sentences

In the following sentences, it is best to use 常常

  • 我 常常 加班 。
  • 我 常常 去 出差 。
  • 我 常常 用 微信 和 朋友 视频。
  • 周末 我 常常 跟 朋友 聊天 。
  • 飞机 常常 晚点 。
  • 我 和 女朋友 常常 去 公园 散步 。

To emphasize that something habitually or routinely happens use 经常 (jīngcháng)

Common Phrases

Again, to emphasize something habitually or routinely happens use 经常 (jīngcháng).

  • 经常 生病 jīngcháng shēngbìng habitually get sick
  • 经常 锻炼身体 jīngcháng duànliàn shēntǐ routinely workout
  • 经常 看电视 jīngcháng kàndiànshì routinely watch TV
  • 经常 玩电脑 jīngcháng wán diànnǎo habitually play on the computer

Example Sentences

In the following sentences, it is best to use 经常(habitually or routinely repeated actions):

  • 我 经常 坐 地铁 去 上班 。
  • 同事 对 我 很 好 , 经常 帮 我 。
  • 我 经常 去 这 家 餐厅 吃饭 。
  • 我 最近 经常 练习 说 中文 。
  • 我 不 经常 加班 。
  • 上海 堵车 是 经常 的 事情。

Advanced Differences

经常 is an adjective as well as an adverb, therefore it can be used differently than 常常. For more details on the use of 经常 and a grammar-based comparison of 常常 and 经常 please click here to visit our Grammar Wiki page: Grammar Wiki comparing “changchang” and “jingchang”

OLD vefusion

Both 常常 (chángcháng) and 经常 (jīngcháng) mean "often" or “frequently”.

In most circumstances 常常 and 经常 can be used interchangeably.

常常 (chángcháng) 经常 (jīngcháng)
Meaningusuallyhabitually or routinely
Part of Speechadverbadverb and adjective
Formalityformal and informalformal and informal

The key difference between these words is 常常 emphasizes usually (more often than not), whereas 经常 emphasizes habitually or routinely (a repeated patterned action).


Common Phrases

These phrases work with both 常常 and 经常, although the meaning is slightly different.


  • 常常 生病 chángcháng shēngbìng usually get sick
  • 经常 生病 jīngcháng shēngbìng habitually get sick


  • 常常 锻炼身体 chángcháng duànliàn shēntǐ usually workout
  • 经常 锻炼身体 jīngcháng duànliàn shēntǐ routinely workout


  • 常常 看电视 chángcháng kàndiànshì usually watch TV
  • 经常 看电视 jīngcháng kàndiànshì routinely watch TV


  • 常常 玩电脑 chángcháng wán diànnǎo usually play on the computer
  • 经常 玩电脑 jīngcháng wán diànnǎo habitually play on the computer

Example Sentences

In the following sentences, both 常常 and 经常 can be used interchangeably.

  • Using 常常 the sentences emphasize “usually”, using 经常 the sentences emphasize “routinely” or “habitually”.


Example Sentences

In the following sentences, it is best to use 经常(habitually or routinely repeated actions):

  • 我 经常 坐 地铁 去 上班 。
  • 同事 对 我 很 好 , 经常 帮 我 。
  • 我 经常 去 这 家 餐厅 吃饭 。
  • 我 最近 经常 练习 说 中文 。
  • 我 不 经常 加班 。
  • 上海 堵车 是 经常 的 事情。

Example Sentences

In the following sentences, it is best to use 常常

  • 我 常常 加班 。
  • 我 常常 去 出差 。
  • 我 常常 用 微信 和 朋友 视频。
  • 周末 我 常常 跟 朋友 聊天 。
  • 飞机 常常 晚点 。
  • 我 和 女朋友 常常 去 公园 散步 。

Advanced Differences

经常 is an adjective as well as an adverb, therefore it can be used differently than 常常. For more details on the use of 经常 and a grammar-based comparison of 常常 and 经常 please click here to visit our Grammar Wiki page: Grammar Wiki comparing “changchang” and “jingchang”