Expressing movement

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The following structures used to express movement in Chinese are organized according to our grammar points by level.

A1 Expressing movement

Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Using the verb "qu" 去 + Place 学校。

A2 Expressing movement

Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Directional verbs "lai" and "qu" 来 / 去 + Place 上海 一 年 了。
Using "dao" to mean "to go to" 到 + Place 上海。

B1 Expressing movement

Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Direction complement Verb (+ Direction) + 来 / 去 我们 走 过去 吧 。
Direction complement "-qilai" Verb / Adj.+ 起来 天气 热 起来

B2 Expressing movement

Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Using "lai" and "qu" when "verbing around" Verb + 来 + Verb + 去 他 考虑 考虑 , 最后 还是 决定 回 学校 。
Using "zhe" when "verbing away" Verb + 着 + Verb + 着 + 就 + Comment + 了 , 他们 到 家 了 。