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#REDIRECT [[structural particle "de"]]
The structural particle "de" has three written forms in modern Chinese, each with its own uses:
* The [[De (structural particle)#的|structural particle 的]] (most often used for modifying nouns)
* The [[De (structural particle)#得|structural particle 得]] (most often used with complements)
* The [[De (structural particle)#地|structural particle 地]] (most often used for adverbial phrases)
There is also a [[Modal Particle De|modal particle 的]].
== References ==
== Sources and further reading ==
* Grammar book: [http://www.amazon.cn/mn/detailApp?_encoding=UTF8&tag=allset-23&linkCode=as2&asin=B001J0ADWA&camp=536&creative=3132&creativeASIN=B001J0ADWA 外国人实用汉语语法(中英文对照)] (pp. 133-135)
* Blog post: [http://blog.chinesepod.com/2011/05/18/the-three-musketeers-%E7%9A%84-%E5%BE%97-and-%E5%9C%B0/ The Three Musketeers (的, 得, and 地)] on ChinesePod.com
* Blog post (Chinese): [http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5375d4df0100azfv.html “的”与“地”“得”]
* Online document (Chinese): [http://wenku.baidu.com/view/3ce1a977a417866fb84a8eca.html “的”“地”“得”的用法区别] explains and shares a song about the three de's

Latest revision as of 16:48, 21 January 2012