Degree complement

Also known as: 程度补语 (chéngdù bǔyǔ) and complement of degree.

While most complements follow verbs, degree complements very often follow adjectives. They intensify or in some other way modify the degree of expression of the adjective (or verb).

When to Use Degree Complements

Until now, you may have probably been getting by just fine modifying your verbs with adverbs. You can use 非常 to say "very" and all that. Great. But once you learn to use degree complements, a whole new layer of expressiveness is infused into your language. You will be able to express degree of verbs and adjectives with much more precision and color. But how do you know when to use the degree complement? Here are the main reasons to use it:

  1. To express how a verb happened or assess its quality
  2. To express to what extent (or degree) an adjective is true

For the first case, the most typical examples would be describing how well an action is done, or in asking how well an action is done, which are sometimes also classified as descriptive complements and state complements.

  • 你们 觉得 我 画 得 怎么样The complement is used to ask "how well I draw."Nǐmen juéde wǒ huà de zěnmeyàng?
  • 我们 觉得 你 画 得 很 棒The complement tells us that "I draw very well."Wǒmen juéde nǐ huà de hěn bàng.
  • 他 的 英语 说 得 怎么样The complement is used to ask "how well he speaks English."Tā de Yīngyǔ shuō de zěnmeyàng?
  • 他 的 英语 说 得 一般The complement tells us that "His English is average."Tā de Yīngyǔ shuō de yībān.

For the second case, instead of using the good old standby adverbs 很 and 非常, we can use all kinds of degree complements to spice up our adjective. A few more similar patterns will be introduced below.

A few more examples:

  • 她 长 得 不 好看Tā zhǎng de bù hǎokàn.She is unattractive.
  • 你 想 得 太 复杂 了 。Nǐ zěnme xiǎng de zhème fùzá? You're overthinking it.
  • 奶奶 走 得 很 慢Nǎinai zǒu de hěn màn.Grandma walks very slowly.

Descriptive and State Complements

Not every aspect of Chinese grammar is agreed upon in the world of academia, and this is the case with degree complements, descriptive complements, and state complements. Some scholars hold that the three are distinct, while others posit they're all just types of degree complements. Still others maintain that degree complements are one, and descriptive complements and state complements are also one.

Here's how a professor of Chinese at Yale puts it[1]:

Generally speaking, the complement of degree is a grammatical unit that describes the main verb of the sentence. Specifically, the complement of degree is an assessment of an action or a description of the consequential state of an action. It may also be a description of the degree of a state.

Hmm, so it sounds like descriptions and states are all degree complements? That's one of the views on the issue.

None of these classifications really matter though: the key is understanding them and using complements correctly to express yourself in Chinese. (This is already difficult without adding in unnecessary academic debate!)

Verbs with Both Degree Complements and Objects

Both adding a complement to a verb with an object and adding an objective to a verb with a complement complicate a sentence in Mandarin, because a single verb cannot be followed by both an object and a complement. In order to get all three pieces of information into a grammatically correct Chinese sentence, there are two approaches to take:

Approach #1: Repeat the Verb

  • 中文 得 很 好shuō Zhōngwén shuō de hěn hǎo.You speak Chinese well. (lit. You speak Chinese speak it well.)

Make sure that the object comes after the first instance of the verb, and the complement after the second.

Approach #1: Move the Object to the Front

  • 中文得 很 好Zhōngwén shuō de hěn hǎo.You speak Chinese well. (lit. You Chinese speak well.)

Just to be completely clear, the following sentences are both incorrect:

  • 中文 很 好
  • 中文 得 很 好

Degree Complements Following Adjectives

Used with 了

There are three especially common degree complements which can follow adjectives immediately and are not preceded by a 得:

极了 (like 好), indicating an extremely high degree.

死了 usually comes after adjectives with negative connotations (like 忙, 累, 臭, 难看), and are commonly used to exaggerate the degree of how bad something is. In recent years, however, 死了 also comes after adjectives with positive connotations.

Figuratively, 坏了 is a bit like the complement 死了, and can be used to mean "extremely" in either a positive or a negative sense.

A few examples:

  • 菜 的 味道 极了Cài de wèidào hǎo jí le.This food's flavor is amazing.
  • 这 件 衣服 漂亮 极了Zhè jiàn yīfu piàoliang jí le.This piece of clothing is sooo pretty.
  • 他 的 袜子 死了Tā de wàzi chòu sǐ le.His socks totally reek.
  • 小狗 可爱 死了Xiǎogǒu kě'ài sǐ le.Her baby is so adorable!
  • 老师 说 今天 没有 作业 ,学生们 都 高兴 坏了The teacher said there's no homework for today, which made the students extremely happy.
  • 发现 儿子 又 跟 同学 打架,爸爸 坏了Discovering that his son was fighting with his classmate again incensed father.

Note that 死 can also act as a result complement. In the examples above, however, it merely indicates an extreme degree (no actual deaths involved!).

Used with 得

The expression of "degree" following a verb is quite broad. A vast array of adjectives can appear in the degree complement following verbs, indicating degree and quality. When it comes to adjectives, however, expression of degree is often much more limited. The following are some of the more common degree complements which follow adjectives.

  • 这个 学生 聪明 得 很Zhège xuéshēng cōngming de hěn.This student is super smart.
  • 我 看 ,你的 工作 轻松 得 很Wǒkàn, nǐ de gōngzuò qīngsōng de hěn.In my opinion, your job is extremely relaxed.
  • 固执 得 不得了gùzhí de bùdéliǎo.He is awfully stubborn.
  • 赢 了 比赛 以后 ,他 骄傲 得 不得了Yíng le bǐsài yǐhòu, tā jiāo'ào de bùdéliǎo.He was terribly proud after he won the competition.
  • 我 儿子 淘气 得 要命Wǒ érzi táoqì de yàomìng.My son is incredibly naughty.
  • 地铁 得 要命Dìtiě de yàomìng!The metro is intenselt crowded!
  • 我 的 牙 得 不 行Wǒ de yá tòng de bù xíng!My teeth hurt so terribly!
  • 今天 得 不 行Jīntiān de bù xíng.It's awfully hot today.

Compared with Potential Complements

Some sentences that contain adjective complements may be indistinguishable as degree or potential complements when they are taken out of context. The following table explains different meanings that one complement phrase could have as either a degree or potential.

Examples of complement phrases that can serve as both degree and potential complements
Example Degree Complement Translation Potential Complement Translation
她说得很清楚 "She speaks very clearly." "She is able to speak very clearly."
他做得非常快 "He does it very fast." "He is able to do it very fast."
他们唱得很好 "They sing very well." "They are able to sing very well."

Degree complements commonly are directly preceded by an adverb (她说得很清楚) distinguishing them from potential complements which are never directly preceded by an adverb.


  1. See the article What is the complement of degree? by Ling Mu, Rongzhen Li, and Peisong Xu.

Sources and further reading

