Expressing passive voice

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The following structures used to make comparisons in Chinese are organized according to our grammar points by level.

B1 Expressing passive voice

Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Using "ba" sentences Subj. + 把 + Obj.+ Verb Phrase 把 书 看 完 了。
Using "bei" sentences Subj. + 被 + Doer + Verb Phrase 骗 了 。

B2 Expressing passive voice

Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Advanced uses of "ba" 把 + Noun + Verb⋯⋯ 我 没有 它 当回事。
Expressing passive voice with "gei" Receiver + 给 + The Doer + 给 + Verb Phrase 事情 解决 了 吗?
Passive verbs with "shou" 受 + Verb 他 为 人 善良 , 很 尊重 。