Comparing "biaoda" and "biaoshi"B2/HSK5

表达 (biǎodá) and 表示 (biǎoshì) both can be used as verbs and mean to show, to convey, to express. Both can be used in informal and formal settings. Yet, these words are used in different contexts and most often cannot be used interchangeably.

表达 (biǎodá) 表示 (biǎoshì)
Meaning to show, to convey, to express to show, to convey, to express
Part of Speech verb verb and noun
Formality flexible flexible

In spoken or written language to show your emotions, thoughts, or feelings use 表达

表达 is used in specific contexts.

Common Phrases

These common phrases only work with 表达:

  • 表达思想

In spoken or written language to show your emotions, thoughts, or feelings use 表示

表示 is used in specific contexts.

Common Phrases

These common phrases only work with 表示:

  • 表示感谢
  • 表示同意
  • 表示关心
  • 表示欢迎

In non-verbal language (hand gestures, body language, facial expressions, eye expression) to show your emotions, thoughts, or feelings use 表示.