Comparing "dedao" and "shoudao"B1/HSK4

得到 (dédào) and 收到 (shōudào) are both verbs that can be translated as "to get," but they are used in different contexts and are not fully interchangeable. 得到 is more formal, whereas 收到 can be both informal or formal. 得到 is most similar to "to obtain," whereas 收到 means "to receive" a text, a message, a letter, a package, etc.

得到 (dédào) 收到 (shōudào)
Meaning to obtain, to get to receive
Part of Speech verb verb
Formality formal informal

Use 得到 (dédào) to mean "to obtain"

Although "to get" is often an acceptable translation of 得到, because the usage of "to get" is so broad in English, you'll save yourself a lot of confusion by using the translation "to obtain" for 得到.

得到 is used for things one can "obtain" after much effort, such as good grades, a good opportunity, someone’s approval, etc.

Common Phrases

  • 得到 支持 dédào zhīchí to get support
  • 得到 结果 dédào jiéguǒ to gett results
  • 得到 帮助 dédào bāngzhù to get help
  • 得到 奖学金 dédào jiǎngxuéjīn to get a scholarship

Example Sentences

  • 我 上班 的 第一 天 得到 同事 们 的 帮助Wǒ shàngbān de dì-yī tiān dédào tóngshì men de bāngzhù.My first day on the job, I got help from my coworker.
  • 他 的 想法 非常 好 , 得到 了 大家 的 支持Tā de xiǎngfǎ fēicháng hǎo, dédào le dàjiā de zhīchí .His idea is a good one, and it has the support of everyone.
  • 我 能 得到 什么 好处Wǒ néng dédào shénme hǎochù ?What benefit can I get out of it?
  • 我 想 得到一 个 满意 的 结果Wǒ xiǎng dédào yī gè mǎnyì de jiéguǒ.I wanted to get a satisfactory result.
  • 学校 的 奖学金 很 高 , 所以 很 多 学生 希望 可以 得到Xuéxiào de jiǎngxuéjīn hěn gāo, suǒyǐ hěn duō xuéshēng xīwàng kěyǐ dédào.The scholarships at the school are very high, so a lot of students are hoping to get them.

Use 收到 (shōudào) to mean "to receive"

We often translate it as "get," but 收到 only means “to receive” some concrete thing like a package, a gift, a letter, etc.

Common Phrases

  • 收到 邮件 shōudào yóujiànto receive mail
  • 收到 快递 shōudào kuàidìto receive a package
  • 收到 礼物 shōudào lǐwùto receive a gift

Example Sentences

  • 我 已经 收到 快递 了。 Wǒ yǐjīng shōudào kuàidì le.I've already received the delivery.
  • 我 没有 收到 你的 微信 消息Wǒ méiyǒu shōudào nǐ de Wēixìn xiāoxi .I didn't get your WeChat message.
  • 你 收到 我 的 邮件 了 吗 ? shōudào wǒ de yóujiàn le ma?Did you get my email?
  • 去年 圣诞节 我 收到 了 很 多 礼物Qùnián Shèngdànjié wǒ shōudào le hěn duō lǐwù .I got a lot of presents last Christmas.
  • 我 还 没有 收到 工资Wǒ hái méiyǒu shōudào gōngzī .I haven't received my paycheck yet.

Be careful when translating "to get" into Chinese

Consider the following English sentences. Does each use of the word "get" refer to "obtain" (得到) or "receive" (收到)?

  • 得到 了 奶奶 的 礼物。 dédào le nǎinai de lǐwù.
  • 收到 了 奶奶 的 礼物 。shōudào le nǎinai de lǐwù.I got a present from grandma.
  • 收到 了 这个 工作 。 shōudào le zhège gōngzuò.
  • 得到 了 这个 工作 。 dédào le zhège gōngzuò.I got the job.
  • 得到 了 一 个 好 消息。 dédào le yī gè hǎo xiāoxi.
  • 收到 了 一 个 好 消息。 shōudào le yī gè hǎo xiāoxi.I got some good news.
  • 这次 比赛 我 没有 收到 第一。Zhècì bǐsài wǒ méiyǒu shōudào dì-yī.
  • 这次 比赛 我 没有 得到 第一。 Zhècì bǐsài wǒ méiyǒu dédào dì-yī.I didn't get first place in this competition.

Sources and further reading
