Comparing "dujia", "fangjia", and "xiugai"B2/HSK5

度假 (dùjià), 放假 (fàngjià), and 休假 (xiūjià) are similar because all are verbs that are associated with stopping routine work or school and having a break, i.e., some type of vacation. 度假 and 休假 are used in formal situations, whereas 放假 is used in informal situations. Upon closer look at these three words, we can see they have different uses. 度假 is use to mean “spend” or “pass” your vacation, often in the sense of where you go to have your vacation. 放假 is used in the sense of “have time off” or “be on vacation”, it can as short as one day, or as long as a winter/summer break for students. 休假 is an annual leave or time off that has been approved by a higher authority.

度假 (dùjià) 放假 (fàngjià) 休假 (xiūjià)
Meaning to pass or spend your vacation to have time off, be on vacation o be on annual leave
Part of Speech verb verb verb
Formality formal informal formal