Comparing "jiu" and "lao"B1/HSK3

Both 旧 (jiù) and 老 (lǎo) mean "old," but 旧 (jiù) refers more to a worn-out, beat-up appearance of an object, whereas 老 (lǎo) refers to actual age in existence and can refer to people.

旧 (jiù) 老 (lǎo)
Meaning worn out aged, experienced; "the usual," existing for a long time
Part of Speech adjective adjective
Formality formal and informal formal and informal

For "worn out" use 旧 (jiù)

Use this to refer to objects that have been in use for a long time and thus are worn out or beat up.

Common Phrases

These phrases work with 旧 (jiù):

  • 衣服jiù yīfuold clothing
  • 电视jiù diànshìold TV
  • 电脑jiù diànnǎoold computer
  • 手机jiù shǒujīold cell phone
  • 家具jiù jiājùold furniture
  • 自行车jiù zìxíngchēold bicycle

Example Sentences

In the following sentences, ONLY 旧(jiù)can be used:

  • 你的 衣服 了 , 买 新 的 吧 。 Nǐ de yīfu tài jiù le, mǎi xīn de ba.Your clothes are too old, buy new ones.
  • 这 是 鞋子, 不 是 新 鞋子 。 Zhè shì jiù xiézi , bù shì xīn xiézi.These are old shoes, not new shoes.
  • 他 有 一 辆 自行车Tā yǒu yī liàng jiù zìxíngchē .He has an old bicycle.

For "aged" or "existing for a long time" use 老 (lǎo)

While 老 (lǎo) can mean "aged," it often imparts a certain degree of respect, traditionally. It can also be difficult to determine exactly when 老 (lǎo) is a separate word and when it is a part of a word.

Common Phrases

These phrases work ONLY with 老 (lǎo):

  • 老人lǎorénold person
  • lǎo shùold tree
  • 房子 lǎo fángziold house
  • 故事lǎo gùshìold story
  • 朋友lǎo péngyǒu old friend

Example Sentences

In the following sentences, ONLY 老 (lǎo) can be used:

  • 这个 了,感觉 他 90 岁 了。 Zhège rén hěn lǎo le, gǎnjué tā 90 suì le.This man is very old, it feels like he's 90 years old.
  • 我 在 这里 有 很 多 朋友Wǒ zài zhèlǐ yǒu hěn duō lǎo péngyou .I have a lot of old friends here.
  • 这 部 电影 是 一 部 电影Zhè bù diànyǐng shì yī bù lǎo diànyǐng .This movie is an old movie.

Some nouns work with both 老 (lǎo) and 旧 (jiù)

In these cases, both words are correct, but they mean something different. 老 emphasizes old style (an old model), whereas 旧 means worn-out or beat-up as usual.

  • 我 有 两 个 手机,一 个 新 手机,一 个 是 妈妈 送给 我 的 手机Wǒ yǒu liǎng gè shǒujī, yī gè xīn shǒujī, yī gè shì māma sònggěi wǒ de lǎo shǒujī .I have two cell phones: a new one and an old one that my mom gave me.
  • 我 的 手机 了,非常 难用 ,我 需要 买 一 个 新 的 。 Wǒ de shǒujī hěn jiù le, fēicháng nán yòng, wǒ xūyào mǎi yī gè xīn de.My phone is very old and hard to use, so I need to buy a new one.
  • 你 不 需要 用 Photoshop 的话 , 可以 用 电脑Nǐ bù xūyào yòng Photoshop dehuà, kěyǐ yòng lǎo diànnǎo .If you don't need to use Photoshop, you can use an old computer.
  • 我 爷爷 只有 一 台 电脑, 也 不 会 用 。 Wǒ yéye zhǐyǒu yī tái jiù diànnǎo , yě bù huì yòng.My grandfather only had an old computer and didn't know how to use it.
  • 我 家 的 房子 有 两百 年 的 历史 了 。 Wǒ jiā de lǎo fángzi yǒu liǎngbǎinián de lìshǐ le.My family's old house is two hundred years old.
  • 这个 房子 虽然 是 去年 建 的 ,但是 看起来 太 了。 Zhège fángzi suīrán shì qùnián jiàn de, dànshì kànqǐlái tài jiù le.This house was built last year, but it looks so old.
  • 你 去 火车站 坐 火车 还是 去 新 火车站? Nǐ qù lǎo huǒchēzhàn zuò huǒchē háishì qù xīn huǒchēzhàn?Do you take the train to the old station or to the new one?
  • 这个 火车站 了,地方 小,也 没有 空调。 Zhège huǒchēzhàn tài jiù le, dìfang xiǎo, yě méiyǒu kōngtiáo.This station is too old, small, and without air conditioning.

For "the usual" or "same as always" use 老 (lǎo)

Common Phrases

These phrases work ONLY with 老 (lǎo):

  • 老样子lǎo yàngzisame old (situation)
  • 老地方 lǎo dìfangthe usual place
  • 老时间 lǎo shíjiān the same time

Example Sentences

In the following sentences, ONLY 老 (lǎo) can be used:

  • 明天 我们 老时间老地方 见 吧。 Míngtiān wǒmen lǎo shíjiān zài lǎo dìfang jiàn ba. See you tomorrow at the usual time at the usual place.
  • 我 最近的 工作 还是 老样子Wǒ zuìjìn de gōngzuò háishì lǎo yàngzi .I've been doing the same old thing at work lately.