Comparing "renshi" and "zhidao"A2/HSK2

Both 知道 (zhīdào) and 认识 (rènshi) are commonly used as verbs, and both can are often translated as “to know.” Both can used in formal/informal settings. But 知道 (zhīdào) emphasizes knowledge of facts, while 认识 (rènshi) emphasizes familiarity, usually with people.

知道 (zhīdào) 认识 (rènshi)
Meaning emphasizes knowledge emphasizes familiarity
Part of Speech verb verb (mostly)
Formality flexible flexible

For Knowing Facts Use 知道 (zhīdào)

This one is pretty straightforward. 知道 (zhīdào) is only a verb, and means “to have knowledge of.”


知道 + Fact

Example Sentences

Only 知道 can be used in the following sentences :

  • 知道 她的 生日 吗? zhīdào tā de shēngrì ma?Do you know her birthday?
  • 知道 中国 有 很 多 人。 zhīdào Zhōngguó yǒu hěn duō rén.I know that there are many people in China.
  • 你 不 知道 明天 下雨 吗? Nǐ bù zhīdào míngtiān xiàyǔ ma?Don't you know it's going to rain tomorrow?
  • 我 不 知道 为什么。 Wǒ bù zhīdào wèishénme.I don't know why.
  • 知道 自己 错 了。 zhīdào zìjǐ cuò le.He knows he was wrong.

For New Realizations Use 知道 (zhīdào)

知道 (zhīdào) can also mean “to realize”, or “to become aware” of a person or something heard or said. You're going to use 知道 (zhīdào) with 了 (le) in this case.


知道 + Fact + 了

Common Phrases

  • 知道 了 zhīdào leto "get it"

Example Sentences

Only 知道 can be used in the following sentences :

  • 好的, 我 知道 Hǎo de, wǒ zhīdào le.Okay, got it.

For Knowing People Use 认识 (rènshi)

If you want to say "know" a person also use 认识 (rènshi). Use this only to describe knowing a person through direct firsthand experience.


认识 + Person

Example Sentences

  • 认识 她 , 她 是 我的 朋友。 rènshi tā, tā shì wǒ de péngyou.I know her. She is my friend.
  • 我 不 认识 你。 Wǒ bù rènshi nǐ.I don't know you.
  • 我们 认识 吗? Wǒmen rènshi ma?Do we know each other?
  • 我们 认识 两 年 了。 Wǒmen rènshi liǎng nián le.We've known each other for two years.

For Meeting People Use 认识 (rènshi)

If you want to say "meet" (a person for the first time), use 认识 (rènshi). Note that the structure here is basically the same as the "knowing a person" use of 认识 (rènshi), so you'll have to determine based on context whether it's the "know" or "meet" meaning of 认识 (rènshi).

Set Phrases

These sentences work only with 认识 (rènshi), and both mean exactly the same thing.

  • 认识 你 很 高兴。rènshiNice to meet you.
  • 很 高兴 认识 你。rènshiNice to meet you.

Example Sentences

  • 你 和 你的 朋友 是 怎么 认识 的? Nǐ hé nǐ de péngyou shì zěnme rènshi de?How did you and your friend meet?
  • 我们 是 在 法国 认识 的。 Wǒmen shì zài Fǎguó rènshi de.We met in France.

For Knowing OF People Use 知道 (zhīdào)

If you want to say "know OF a person (but do not know them personally) use 知道 (zhīdào). In this case you know they exist, or know who they are, but you've never met them, aren't friends with them, etc.


知道 + Person

Example Sentences

Note that you don't use 了 (le) in these sentences.

  • 知道 她 。她 很 有名。 zhīdào tā. tā hěn yǒumíng.I know of her. She is very famous.
  • 中国人 都 知道 孔子。 Zhōngguó rén dōu zhīdào Kǒngzǐ.All Chinese people know about Confucius.
  • 知道 她 ,但 我们 不 认识。 zhīdào tā, dàn wǒmen bù rènshi.I know of her, but we don't know each other.

For Being Familiar with a Place Use 认识 (rènshi)

If you want to say "know" a place, in the sense of "having some familiarity with a place," use 认识 (rènshi). Usually this means you have seen it with your own eyes; it's more than just having heard of it. This can apply to a place, a route ("the way" to get someplace), or a Chinese character.

Common Pattern

认识 + Place/Thing

Common Phrases

These patterns are commonly used with 认识, but not exclusive to 认识 (and may mean something slightly different if you use 知道 (zhīdào) in these sentences):

  • 认识 这个 地方 rènshi zhège dìfangto know a place
  • 认识 路 rènshi lùto know the way (to get somewhere)
  • 认识 这个 字 rènshi zhège zìto know this character

For each of these, you could also use 知道 (zhīdào), but the emphasis is different. 认识 (rènshi) emphasizes personal familiarity, whereas 知道 (zhīdào) knowledge of existence.

Example Sentences

  • 认识 那个 地方 rènshi nàge dìfang.I know that place.
  • 他 不 认识 Tā bù rènshi .He doesn't know the way.
  • 他们 都 不 认识 这个 字Tāmen dōu bù rènshi zhège zì.None of them know this character.
  • 认识 这个 汉字 吗? rènshi zhège hànzì ma?Do you know this Chinese character?