HSK Body Parts Vocabulary List

The following vocabulary list features vocabulary words from the HSK centered around the topic of Body Parts. In some cases the HSK vocabulary might be a bit lacking, and we may follow it will additional vocabulary we recommend for a fuller discussion on the topic.

Chinese Pinyin English HSK Level
身体 shēntǐ body; health HSK 2
眼睛 yǎnjing eye HSK 2
鼻子 bízi nose HSK 3
耳朵 ěrduo ear HSK 3
liǎn face HSK 3
胳膊 gēbo arm HSK 4
肚子 dùzi belly, abdomen HSK 4
脖子 bózi neck HSK 5
骨头 gǔtou bone HSK 5
后背 hòubèi the back (human anatomy) HSK 5
肩膀 jiānbǎng shoulder HSK 5
肌肉 jīròu muscle HSK 5
脑袋 nǎodài head HSK 5
手指 shǒuzhǐ finger HSK 5
wèi stomach HSK 5
心脏 xīnzàng heart HSK 5
xīong chest HSK 5
yāo waist, lower back HSK 5
arm HSK 6
fèi lung HSK 6
浑身 húnshēn all over HSK 6
颈椎 jǐngzhuī cervical vertebra HSK 6
口腔 kǒuqiāng oral cavity; dental HSK 6
脉搏 màibó pulse (both medical and figurative) HSK 6
屁股 pìgu buttocks, bottom, butt, back part HSK 6
舌头 shétou tongue HSK 6
神经 shénjīng nerve HSK 6
四肢 sìzhī the four limbs of the body HSK 6
脂肪 zhīfáng dietary fat, fatty tissue HSK 6
指甲 zhǐjia fingernails HSK 6
皱纹 zhòuwén wrinkles (of the skin) HSK 6
嘴唇 zuǐchún lips HSK 6
喉咙 hóulóng throat HSK 6
胡须 húxū beard HSK 6
器官 qìguān internal organ HSK 6
拳头 quántou fist HSK 6

Additional Body Parts Vocabulary

These words are not on the current official HSK list, but you may find them useful for your discussions on this topic.

Chinese Pinyin English HSK Level
zuǐ mouth B1
tóu head; boss; [measure word for large animals] B1
头发 tóufa hair (on the head) B1
牙齿 yáchǐ tooth, teeth B1
shǒu hand B1
tuǐ leg B1
jiǎo foot, leg B1
大腿 dàtuǐ thigh B2
小腿 xiǎotuǐ calf (of the leg) B2
脚趾 jiǎozhǐ toe B2
脚踝 jiǎohuái ankle B2
shèn kidney B2
spleen B2

See also

  • HSK Nouns (all HSK levels' noun lists together)