HSK Commonly Used Spoken Words Vocabulary List

The following vocabulary list features words from the HSK centered around the topic of Commonly Used Spoken Words. In some cases, the HSK vocabulary might be a bit lacking, so additional vocabulary recommended for a fuller discussion on the topic is included.

Chinese Pinyin English HSK Level
不客气 bù kèqi you're welcome HSK 1
没关系 méiguānxi it doesn't matter HSK 1
随便 suíbiàn whatever HSK 4
也许 yěxǔ perhaps HSK 4
当然 dāngrán of course HSK 4
当心 dāngxīn to look out HSK 4
比如说 bǐrú shuō for example HSK 4
差不多 chàbuduō more or less HSK 5
不要紧 bùyàojǐn no worries HSK 5
怪不得 guàibude no wonder! HSK 5

Additional Commonly Used Spoken Words Vocabulary

These words are not on the current official HSK list, but you may find them useful for your discussions on this topic.

Chinese Pinyin English CEFR Level
太好了 tài hǎo le awesome A2
走吧! zǒu ba! Let's go! B1
看情况 kàn qíngkuàng it depends B1
有可能 yǒu kěnéng it's possible B1
别担心 bié dānxīn don't worry B1
还可以 hái kěyǐ not too bad B1
慢慢来 mànmàn lái take your time B1
等一下 děng yīxià just a sec B1
没问题 méi wèntí no problem B1
一般来说 yībān láishuō generally speaking B1
不好意思 bùhǎoyìsi excuse me B1

Important Note

Vocabulary lists are a resource, but not a learning method. To improve fluency, get as much conversation practice as possible. Don't just memorize word lists!

See also

  • HSK Nouns (all HSK levels' noun lists together)