HSK Office Vocabulary List

The following vocabulary list features vocabulary words from the HSK centered around the topic of Office. In some cases the HSK vocabulary might be a bit lacking, and we may follow it will additional vocabulary we recommend for a fuller discussion on the topic.

Chinese Pinyin English HSK Level
公司 gōngsī company, corporation; office HSK 2
办公室 bàngōngshì office HSK 3
会议 huìyì meeting HSK 3
工资 gōngzī wages, pay HSK 4
出差 chūchāi to go on a business trip HSK 4
加班 jiābān work overtime, work an extra shift HSK 4
部门 bùmén department HSK 5
助理 zhùlǐ assistant HSK 6
客户 kèhù client HSK 6

Additional Office Vocabulary

These words are not on the current official HSK list, but you may find them useful for your discussions on this topic.

Chinese Pinyin English HSK Level
开会 kāihuì to have a meeting, to attend a meeting A2
老板 lǎobǎn boss B1
同事 tóngshì co-worker, colleague B1
面试 miànshì (job) interview; to interview (for a job) B1

See also

  • HSK Nouns (all HSK levels' noun lists together)