HSK Sick Vocabulary List

The following vocabulary list features vocabulary words from the HSK centered around the topic of Sick. In some cases the HSK vocabulary might be a bit lacking, and we may follow it will additional vocabulary we recommend for a fuller discussion on the topic.

Chinese Pinyin English HSK Level
生病 shēngbìng to fall ill, to get sick HSK 2
感冒 gǎnmào to catch cold, to have a cold; a cold HSK 3
发烧 fāshāo to have a fever HSK 3
咳嗽 késou to cough HSK 4
喷嚏 pēntì sneeze HSK 5
嗓子 sǎngzi throat, voice HSK 5
鼻涕 bítì nasal mucus/snivel HSK 6
症状 zhèngzhuàng symptoms of an illness HSK 6

Additional Sick Vocabulary

These words are not on the current official HSK list, but you may find them useful for your discussions on this topic.

Chinese Pinyin English HSK Level
不舒服 bù shūfu uncomfortable, unwell A2
头疼 tóuténg headache; to have a headache B1
流感 liúgǎn flu (influenza) B1
头晕 tóuyūn dizzy B1
想吐 xiǎng tǔ vomiting B1
酸痛 suāntòng to ache B1

See also

  • HSK Nouns (all HSK levels' noun lists together)