
The following vocabulary list features vocabulary words from the HSK centered around the topic of fruit. In some cases the HSK vocabulary might be a bit lacking, and we may follow it will additional vocabulary we recommend for a fuller discussion on the topic.

Chinese Pinyin English HSK Level
儿子 érzi son HSK 1
女儿 nǚ’ér daughter HSK 1
同学 tóngxué classmate HSK 1
朋友 péngyou friend HSK 1
妻子 qīzi wife HSK 2
丈夫 zhàngfu husband HSK 2
客人 kèrén visitor, guest, customer, client HSK 3
邻居 línjū neighbor HSK 3
同事 tóngshì co-worker, colleague HSK 3
房东 fángdōng landlord HSK 4
顾客 gùkè customer HSK 4
师傅 shīfu master; qualified worker HSK 4
宝贝 bǎobèi treasured object HSK 5
敌人 dírén enemy HSK 5
对手 duìshǒu opponent, adversary HSK 5
对象 duìxiàng target;object;partner;boyfriend;girlfriend;CL:個 HSK 5
伙伴 huǒbàn partner HSK 5
嘉宾 jiābīn esteemed guest/honored guest/guest (on a show) HSK 5
老板 lǎobǎn boss HSK 5
老婆 lǎopo (informal) wife HSK 5
领导 lǐngdǎo leader HSK 5
太太 tàitai wife; Mrs. HSK 5
员工 yuángōng employee, staff HSK 5
长辈 zhǎngbèi one\'s elders; older generation HSK 5
主人 zhǔrén master, host HSK 5
伴侣 bànlǚ companion, mate HSK 5
被告 bèigào defendant HSK 6
成员 chéngyuán member HSK 6
搭档 dādàng to cooperate HSK 6
当事人 dāngshìrén persons involved or implicated HSK 6
东道主 dōngdàozhǔ host;official host (e.g. venue for games or a conference) HSK 6
夫妇 fūfù a (married) couple HSK 6
夫人 fūren lady HSK 6
俘虏 fúlǔ captive HSK 6
股东 gǔdōng shareholder; stockholder HSK 6
家属 jiāshǔ family member HSK 6
客户 kèhù client HSK 6
领袖 lǐngxiù (prestigious) leader HSK 6
奴隶 núlì slave HSK 6
上级 shàngjí higher level HSK 6
同胞 tóngbāo born of the same parents HSK 6
同志 tóngzhì comrade HSK 6
徒弟 túdì apprentice HSK 6
媳妇 xífù daughter-in-law; wife HSK 6
下属 xiàshǔ subordinate(s) HSK 6

See also

  • HSK Nouns (all HSK levels' noun lists together)